Is Reusing Cooking Oil Healthy?  Silky Mahajan Explains!

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The Go, No-Go Test for Reusing Cooking Oil

Go: If the oil has a neutral smell, a light color, and heats without smoking, it’s safe to reuse.  No-Go: If the oil has an off odor, appears dark, or smokes excessively when heated, do not reuse it.

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How to Store Used Cooking Oil?

Airtight Dispenser: Store oil in a plastic, airtight dispenser to prevent oxidation. Cool, Dark Storage: Keep oil in a cool, dark place to maintain quality. Strain Oil: Use a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove food particles before storing.

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Benefits of Reusing Cooking Oil

✔ Cost Savings: Reduces the need to purchase new oil frequently. Waste Reduction: Minimizes waste and environmental impact. Resource Efficiency: Makes the most out of the oil you have.

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Dangers of Reusing Cooking Oil

Health Risks: Repeated heating can release harmful compounds and free radicals, increasing cancer and heart disease risk.  ❌Toxicity: Overused oil can develop toxins and carcinogens, harmful to health.  ❌Flavor Contamination: Oil flavor deteriorates, affecting food taste

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Reusing cooking oil can be a smart and eco-friendly practice if done correctly. Always conduct the "Go, No-Go" test before reusing oil and ensure proper storage