Top 7 Sugar-Free Summer Drinks Stay Refreshed!

By Silky Mahajan

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Infused Water

๐Ÿ‰ Infuse water with fruits such as cucumber, berries for yummy flavor.

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Homemade Lemonade

Make lemonade at home using fresh lemons and a touch of honey for sweetness

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Fresh Fruit Juices

Opt for fresh watermelon or grapefruit juice, or try Jaljeera for a tangy alternative.

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Refreshing Smoothies

Blend watermelon mint, Mango banana, Spinach-banana, Coconut blueberries, or Cucumber mint and melon for delicious, hydrating smoothies.

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Coconut Water

Enjoy the electrolytes and hydration benefits of coconut water.

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Unsweetened Iced Tea

Sip on unsweetened iced tea with a hint of lemon for a cooling treat.

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Homemade Fermented Drinks

Experiment with homemade kombucha or water kefir for a healthy, bubbly beverage.