latest buzz Sports Nutrition

The Effects of Alcohol on Athletic Performance

The Effects of Alcohol on Athletic Performance

Many people believe in hitting the gym during the day and then a bar at night. One feels there’s no harm in drinking a little amount of alcohol now and then.

Actually the terms “little” and “now and then” cannot even be used in that former sentence since it’s more like binge drinking every weekend!

Don’t Drink and Drive isn’t only for behind the wheel, it’s also on the field (and the gym).

First, let’s give you a list of how alcohol can affect your body, and then we can get down to the details!

Keep in mind these effects are within 48 hours of alcohol consumption, that too just after 2-3 standard drinks.

  • Decrease strength
  • Impair hand-eye coordination
  • Increase fatigue (by impacting liver function)
  • Mineral and vitamin depletion
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Impact cellular repair (since protein is affected negatively)
  • Dehydration thus affects the kidneys
  • Loss of endurance
  • Unwanted weight gain

Alcohol isn’t something that is recommended for most people; for athletes it just makes matters worse.

While you’re training or competing it’s best to stay away from alcohol! However, the best solution is to give it up completely to live a healthy lifestyle.

How Alcohol Affects Your Body

  1. So first things first. Alcohol cannot be stored as energy. This means all the alcohol in your body is converted into fat – hence the term beer belly.
  2. Alcohol’s effect on the liver can cause a problem in the production of oxygen which then interferes with the production of ATP ie a direct source of energy for the muscles.
  3. Sadly drinking alcohol before your workout hinders the circulation of glucose which is essential for energy. It has also been scientifically proven that alcohol diminishes protein synthesis which in turn stops muscle growth by preventing the repair of damaged muscles.
  4. Another thing alcohol does is increase the urge to urinate which leads to loss of electrolytes.
  5. Since alcohol is a toxin it disrupts the normal cell function.
  6. Alcohol also inhibits the absorption of essential minerals like zinc, folic acid, Vitamin B12, etc which are needed for metabolism and new cell growth (muscle cells included).
  7. The consumption of alcohol provides only empty calories which in turn displace valuable nutrients. That’s just a loss of essentials and an increase in fat!
  8. Do note, heavy drinking for a night can negatively affect brain and bodily activities for 3 whole days whereas 2 nights of consecutive heavy drinking leave an impact for 5 days! Evidently, dehydration, fatigue and headaches – commonly known as hangovers – really don’t mix well with the physical demands of our body.
  9. Alcohol disrupts your sleep cycle which in turn leads to a reduction in the ability to learn and retain new information. This could range from new skills to studying games or even applying strategies in a game.
  10. Excessive alcohol can prevent the secretion of human growth hormone which is essential for muscle growth as well as recovery.

It’s always better to prioritize a good day’s workout over a night of heavy drinking. At least the workout leaves you worn out and exhausted craving for more!

Alcohol just leaves you with a bad hangover which leads to false swears of never drinking again.

In case of any related query related to diet or weight loss book an appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan please send us a mail at or call on 080 6741 7780 (Dial Extension: 778).

latest buzz Sports Nutrition

The Vital Role of Hydration in Sports

The Vital Role of Hydration in Sports

Why is It Important to Stay Hydrated?

Whether you’re a serious athlete or a recreational exerciser, it’s important to make sure you get the right amount of water before, during, and after exercise.

All athletes need to drink extra fluids to replace body water lost during exercise (e.g. sweat). When it’s warm, your body perspires more to help you cool down.

Depending on the temperature, humidity, and the nature of your activity, you might not even realize how much you are perspiring. Don’t rely on thirst alone to tell you how much you need to drink.

To keep those muscles working and avoid fatigue; it’s extremely important to drink plenty of liquids before, during, and after the activity.

How Much Water Should I Drink While Exercising?

There are no exact rules for how much water to drink while exercising because everyone is different.

You need to consider factors including your sweat rate, the heat and humidity in your environment, and how long and hard you are exercising.

As a general rule, to maintain adequate hydration, drink fluids before and after the game, Drink about 250 -300 ml of fluid two hours before the activity.

That helps make sure you are well-hydrated before you ever go outdoors. Then, during the activity, try to drink 150-200 ml every 15-20 minutes to keep your muscles well-hydrated.

If you are planning an hour-long walk or gym workout, fill a water bottle with about 500 ml and take it with you.

Are Sports Drinks Important?

For most people, water is all that is needed to stay hydrated. However, if you will be exercising at a high intensity for longer than an hour, a sports drink may be helpful.

The calories, potassium, and other nutrients in sports drinks can provide energy and electrolytes to help you perform for a longer period of time.

Choose a sports drink wisely. They are often high in calories from added sugar and may contain high levels of sodium. Also, check the serving size. One bottle may contain several servings.

If you drink the entire bottle, you may need to double or triple the amounts given on the Nutrition Facts Label. Some sports drinks contain caffeine.

If you use a sports drink that contains caffeine, be careful not to get too much caffeine in your diet.

What Are the Signs of Dehydration?

Dehydration happens when you lose more fluid than you drink. When your body doesn’t have enough water, it can’t work properly.

Dehydration can range from mild to severe. Symptoms of dehydration can include the following:

  • Muscles cramps
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue 
  • Reduced mental function & concentration 
  • Reduced balance 
  • Fast heartbeat

In case of any such symptoms get medical attention immediately.

What Are Signs of Heat Illness?

Heat illness or heat-related illness is a spectrum of disorders due to environmental exposure to heat.

It includes minor conditions such as heat cramps, heat syncope, and heat exhaustion as well as the more severe condition known as heat stroke.

Heat illness can occur when the body is dehydrated and can’t cool itself effectively during exercise in hot or humid weather.

Symptoms of Health Illness

  • Confusion
  • Dark-colored urine (a sign of dehydration)
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Muscle or abdominal cramps
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

How Much is Too Much Water in a Day?

This depends on your body weight and the kind of activity you are doing. Talk to your Nutritionist if you have questions about the right amount of water to drink while exercising.

In case of any related query related to sport nutrition or weight loss book an appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan please send us a mail at or call on 080 6741 7780 (Dial Extension: 778).

latest buzz Medical Nutrition

Top 7 Gluten-Free Foods for Athletes

Top 7 Gluten-Free Foods for Athletes

For any athlete, their diet mainly relies on carbohydrate intake which helps in maintaining high energy levels, prevents fatigue, regulates blood sugar and helps in quick recovery after an event.

Some athletes are now choosing gluten-free foods as part of their performance-enhancing factors.

This basically means they’re choosing improved digestion and thus better absorption of nutrients which leads to an improved performance.

A gluten-free diet involves refined carbs, high fiber and lean protein – the perfect combination for any athlete! This is some of the top gluten-free food an athlete should consume to further improve their performance.


One banana provides 31 grams of carbohydrates which really helps replenish your body’s exhausted carbohydrates.

It also contains manganese which is essential for bone development and wound healing – another essential for any athlete.

Bananas are also rich in potassium which is needed for muscle function. Basically, a banana before your workout will really boost your performance!

Sweet Potatoes

This one’s a great option for long-lasting energy. One cup contains 166 kcal of glucose which is always drained after any athletic event.

They’re the kind of carbs that literally fuel your body like an IV drip! Sweet potatoes can boost energy, increase endurance and improve energy levels – it’s a win-win situation!


Beans are an all-inclusive source of protein, carbs and fiber. They also contain iron which really helps improve endurance.

Dried Fruits

Figs, raisins and dates are a handy source of a mid workout fuel! They are rich in manganese and provide just the right amount of calories to prevent further energy drain.

Also, they’re portable which means you can just stuff them in your gym bag!


It’s something like cereal but not really. But the good part is that quinoa is loaded with crabs and also contains a large amount of protein!

It helps build new muscle tissues and is also among the world’s healthiest foods!

Gluten-Free Protein Bars

As we all know, protein bars are loaded with carbs, fiber, protein and potassium. The only thing you need to do here is pick up one that’s gluten-free. Leave the rest to the bar!


Hard-boiled, scrambled, omelets and whatnot. Eggs are the best meal for any athlete, and for any athlete reading this I needn’t give reasons why. It is like universal knowledge!

In case of any query related to diet or weight loss book an appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan please send us a mail at or call on 080 6741 7780 (Dial Extension: 778).