The truth is often bitter, shocking and in this case, sprinkled with irony. In a country where 270 million people live below the ‘poverty line’ and survive on less than Rs 20 a day, a gradation in obesity among the middle and upper-middle class on the other end of the spectrum is a cause of concern. Rising income, advancement of technology and urbanization has resulted in a change in the consumption pattern and lifestyle of people here. As a result, obesity is on the rise, raising questions on what we consume and how we live. Dietician Silky Mahajan cites burgers, pizzas, quick-fix snacks and other forms of junk food as items that are rich in fat and lack nutrition. “Today, people are looking at other options such as preparing pizzas at home. Our diet should be colorful like a rainbow – with at least three servings of fruits and vegetables everyday so that we have adequate quantities of fiber in our body. However, it is not only about the diet but also about the quantity of food we eat.” If such simple factors are not paid heed to, the consequences are drastic and many; ranging from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, joint disorders to knee pain, high blood pressure and osteoarthritis. But what’s scarier is the increase in adolescent and teenage obesity. Silky adds that she works with children who suffer from obesity and obesity-related disorders such as hypothyroidism from the age of six. Bengaluru-based agency, Edu Sports, conducted a recent survey on 4, 000 school students across 15 cities and found more than a quarter of the students to be overweight. Doctors cite the main reason for childhood and teenage obesity as lack of exercise, spending too much time on screen and indulging in a variety of junk food as they are exposed to swanky commercial advertisements and a range of options. Today, parents also lack the time to prepare home-cooked food. Click here to read more.
The Binging Worries