latest buzz Weight Management

What Is The Ideal Body Fat Percentage?

Unlocking the secrets to your ideal body fat percentage is a crucial step towards optimal health. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive guide, exploring the ideal body fat ranges for men and women, considering factors such as age, genetics, and fitness levels. Our mission is to empower you to strike a healthy balance, understanding that extremes – whether too low or excessive – can impact your well-being.

Understanding Ideal Body Fat Ranges

For men, a healthy body fat range typically spans 6-24%, with an average falling between 18-24%. Women, on the other hand, generally fall within the range of 16-30%, with an average of 25-30%. These figures, however, are influenced by various factors that make the concept of an “ideal” range highly personalized.

Factors Influencing Body Fat Percentage

Age, genetics, and fitness levels play pivotal roles in determining the ideal body fat percentage. Athletes may aim for lower percentages, aligning with their rigorous training routines, while a healthy range suitable for the general population is essential for overall well-being.

Balancing Act: Health Implications of Body Fat Extremes

Striking a balance is paramount. Insufficient body fat levels can impact reproductive health and immunity, while excess fat poses its own set of health risks.

Expert Insights with Silky Mahajan

Watch our exclusive video featuring renowned nutritionist Silky Mahajan, where she provides valuable insights into understanding and achieving your perfect body fat percentage.


Utilize our body fat calculator to find your personalized ideal body fat percentage. Remember, it’s about achieving a healthy balance tailored to your unique needs, not conforming to unrealistic standards. Join the conversation by sharing your questions in the comments below and follow us for continuous health and nutrition tips customized for you.

In case of any related query to healthy nutrition or weight loss book an online appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan. Please send us an email at or call on 7829999400 between 10:00 AM IST – 7:00 PM IST (Mon – Sat). Follow us on facebook & instagram for latest updates.

latest buzz Weight Management

Fat Loss Vs Weight Loss. Let’s Understand The Differences

Weight Loss VS Fat Loss

Let’s talk about a common misconception – the difference between weight loss and fat loss. Embarking on a fitness journey often involves the goal of weight loss.

However, it’s crucial to understand the distinction between weight loss and fat loss for a more informed and sustainable approach to health and well-being.

Exploring Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

Weight loss encompasses a reduction in overall body weight, which may include water, muscle, and fat. It’s a broad term that doesn’t specifically target fat. On the other hand, fat loss is a more focused goal, involving the reduction of body fat while preserving lean muscle mass. This approach leads to a healthier and more sustainable transformation.

Benefits of Prioritizing Fat Loss

When the focus shifts to fat loss, the goal becomes trimming down adipose tissues, not just shedding pounds on the scale. This not only enhances physical appearance but, more importantly, promotes better health. Losing fat while maintaining muscle mass contributes to a toned physique and supports overall well-being.

Shifting the Focus

Instead of fixating solely on the numbers on the scale, consider redirecting your fitness journey towards achieving sustainable fat loss. This shift in focus provides a more comprehensive and lasting approach to health and fitness.

Helpful Insights with Silky Mahajan

In an exclusive video , renowned nutritionist Silky Mahajan shares valuable insights on the importance of prioritizing fat loss over mere weight loss. Tune in to gain expert advice, practical tips, and a deeper understanding of why sustainable fat loss should be the ultimate goal in your fitness journey.

Empower yourself with our valuable health tools to make well-informed decisions tailored to your needs.


As you navigate your fitness goals, remember that the journey goes beyond just losing weight. Embrace the concept of sustainable fat loss for a more holistic transformation. Join the conversation by sharing your questions in the comments below, and follow us for continued guidance on health and nutrition tips.

In case of any related query to healthy nutrition or weight loss book an online appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan. Please send us an email at or call on 7829999400 between 10:00 AM IST – 7:00 PM IST (Mon – Sat). Follow us on facebook & instagram for latest updates.

latest buzz Weight Management

Understanding Weight Loss Plateau: Why They Happen & How To Break Through!

Weight Loss Plateau

Embarking on a weight loss journey is often marked by initial success, but the frustration kicks in when progress hits a standstill — the notorious weight loss plateau. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this common roadblock and explore effective strategies to overcome it.

Unlocking Weight Loss Plateau Secrets With Silky Mahajan

The first few months of weight loss often yield noticeable results, but suddenly hitting a plateau can leave anyone feeling disheartened. The plateau stage occurs when the body, cleverly adapting to rapid weight loss, slows down metabolism as a defense mechanism.

It’s as if your body is saying, “I got this,” but fear not – there are solutions to break through this plateau and resume your weight loss journey.

Understanding Body Adaptation

Your body becomes a master at handling dietary changes, macros, and workout routines. This adaptation is a survival mechanism, but it can hinder your progress. We’ll dissect how the body adjusts and explore the science behind this plateau phenomenon.

Tips to Break Through A Weight Loss Plateau By Silky Mahajan

  • Ditch plain carbs for whole grains, fiber-rich veggies & oats.
  • Switch up your routine! Mix high & low calorie days to boost metabolism.
  • Spread protein love throughout the day with fish, poultry, eggs & nuts.
  • Get your fiber fix to slow digestion & curb cravings.
  • ️‍Shake things up! Challenge your muscles with new workouts like weights or cardio.
  • Consider intermittent fasting – it might be your secret weapon!
  • Stay hydrated! Water keeps your metabolism humming.

Remember, progress, not perfection, is key! Embrace these tips & celebrate your journey.

Engage and Share

Have questions or personal experiences with weight loss? Drop them in the comments below. Join our community for more health and nutrition tips as we navigate the challenges of weight loss together. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey!

In case of any related query to healthy nutrition or weight loss book an online appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan. Please send us an email at or call on 7829999400 between 10:00 AM IST – 7:00 PM IST (Mon – Sat). Follow us on facebook & instagram for latest updates.

latest buzz Medical Nutrition Weight Management

Papaya Shake Health Benefits for Weight Loss

papaya shake health benefits for weight loss

Discover the benefits of papaya shakes for weight loss! Learn how this tropical delight helps in reducing weight and enhancing overall health.

Papaya is a delicious and nutritious tropical fruit that is filled with Vitamin C and other antioxidants.

Named aptly as the “Fruit of the Angels” by Christopher Columbus, papaya is one of the healthiest fruits you can lay your hands on.

And what’s more, since it’s low in calories, it can be a great addition to your weight loss journey.

You can also make a delicious papaya shake at home and enjoy the goodness of this fruit, all while reaping its weight loss and health benefits.

Oh, and did we tell you that papaya contains a digestive enzyme that bids goodbye to all your digestion woes?

Read on to discover the top papaya shake benefits and find out more about this incredibly versatile fruit that can be your perfect companion in your weight loss journey.

Health benefits of papaya shake

health benefits of papaya

Papaya is packed full of fibre, protein, vitamins, and nutrients. Thus, it can be an extremely healthy fruit to have. Below, let’s look at some of the top health benefits of papaya.

Healthy routine is crucial to lead a healthy life – Silky Mahajan

1. Helps in digestion

Papaya contains a type of enzyme called papain, which helps break down proteins in your stomach. This makes it easier for you to digest food and also helps avoid gastrointestinal problems.

2. Boosts immunity

Papaya is rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen your immune system and also protects you from illnesses.

3. Healthy skin

There are also incredible benefits of papaya shakes for the skin. Papaya has vitamin A and antioxidants which improve your skin’s appearance and texture while providing a healthy glow.

4. Improves eye health

Papaya contains vitamin A and beta-carotene, which are good for your eyes and may lower the risk of age-related eye problems.

5. Helps in weight loss

Papaya is low in calories and contains a high amount of fibre. This can manage your weight and also help you feel full for a long time.

Moving on, let’s look at the nutritional value of papaya shake and its calorie content.

Papaya shake nutrition & calorie content

paypaya nutrition & calorie count

Papaya shake can be made by removing the skin of the fruit and then cutting it into small pieces. Once done, you can place the pieces inside a blender and add a cup of water. After blending for 30 secs, your delicious papaya shake is ready.

Dietitians recommend having your papaya shake without any milk or sugar/honey to reap papaya shake benefits for weight loss. Otherwise, it can be calorie-dense and will not suit your weight loss goals.

Now, let’s look at the nutritional value of a papaya shake made with just water.

A small papaya (152 gms) contains:

  • Calories: 59
  • Carbohydrates: 15 grams
  • Fiber: 3 grams
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Vitamin C: 157% of the RDI
  • Vitamin A: 33% of the RDI
  • Folate (Vitamin B9): 14% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 11% of the RDI

Papaya also contains a type of antioxidant called carotenoids, which imparts its distinctive orange color. 

Does papaya shake help in weight loss & burn belly fat?

Papaya shakes can be a part of your weight loss plan. However, you shouldn’t depend on it solely to lose weight, and incorporate it with a healthy and balanced meal and diet plan.

Some ways through which papaya can contribute to weight loss are:

1. Low in Calories

Papaya is low in calories, which can help you manage your overall calorie intake when you include it in your diet.

2. High in Fiber

Papaya contains fibre, which can help you feel full and satisfied. This also reduces the chances of you overeating.

3. Rich in Nutrients

It provides essential vitamins and minerals, making it a nutritious choice as part of a balanced diet while you are cutting calories.

How To Consume Papaya For Weight Loss?

Papaya can be an important addition to your weight loss plan. You can choose to have a papaya shake after a meal so that it helps with your digestion. You can also have papaya shake as a healthy snack whenever you feel hungry.

Starting your day with a papaya shake first thing in the morning can kick-start your metabolism and provide your body with the nutrients and vitamins it needs.

However, it is important to remember that you don’t add any sugar/honey or even milk to your papaya shake as they can make it calorie-dense, and contradict your weight loss efforts.

Sample Papaya homemade shake recipe

Here’s a sample homemade papaya shake recipe for you to try out.


  • 1 cup ripe papaya, peeled, seeded, and cubed
  • 1/2 banana (optional, for added creaminess)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon (optional)
  • Ice cubes (optional)


1. Prepare the papaya

Peel the papaya, remove the seeds, and then cop it into small pieces.

2. Blend the ingredients

Place the chopped papayas, banana slices, vanilla extract, ice cubes, and a pinch of cinnamon in a blender. Blend until you get a smooth consistency.

3. Serve

Pour the papaya shake into a glass. You can garnish it with a small slice of papaya or a sprinkle of cinnamon for an extra touch.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating fruits like papaya as a part of your weight loss diet plan can be beneficial and help you see better outcomes. Moreover, this antioxidant-rich fruit will improve your overall health and keep you disease-free.

The next time you’re groccery shopping for low-cost nutritious food, be sure to select the juiciest papaya available. Your body will thank you

latest buzz Medical Nutrition Weight Management

Top 10 Cardio Exercises for Shedding Weight & Extending Your Lifespan

top 10 cardio exercise for shedding weight

Explore the top 10 cardio exercises for weight loss. Dive into effective workouts that burn calories, boost metabolism, and accelerate your fitness journey!

"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live." - Jim Rohn

We all want to live a healthy and happy life. Because, after all, true happiness lies in being healthy. However, obesity is a leading cause of disease globally, and the same applies to India too.

According to a study, the Indian obesity prevalence rate is about 40.3%, which is alarming.

Cardiovascular exercises play an essential part in helping us reduce obesity and live healthier, longer lives. Not only can they contribute to weight loss but they can also play a key role in keeping diseases at bay.

Thus, if you are interested in knowing the best cardio exercises like 1000-calorie workouts and their numerous health benefits, this blog is for you. Read on to find out the top 10 most effective cardio exercises and step up your fitness game like never before.

The Power of Daily Cardio

benefits of daily cardio

Cardiovascular exercises, often referred to as cardio encompass any form of activity or exercise that elevates both your breathing and heart rate.

Engaging in cardio exercises not only enhances blood flow and circulation but also has the potential to facilitate calorie burning as your heart rate increases.

The goal is to perform cardio exercises daily for time frames, even as short as 20 minutes. A daily 20-minute cardio workout can work wonders for you.

From helping with weight loss and improving your heart rate to strengthening your immune system and boosting your brain power, a daily cardio exercise routine has plenty to offer in terms of health.

Top 6 health benefits of a daily cardio routine

1. Helps you lose weight

Cardio exercises help you burn calories, and will also boost your metabolism. This will help you lose weight and also burn off your overall body fat.

2. Keeps your heart healthy

Most people don’t realize that our heart is also a muscle. Thus, exercising regularly improves the flow of blood in our heart and keeps it healthy while reducing the risk of heart disease.

Cardio also helps regulate your blood pressure by reducing the bad cholesterol in your body.

3. Improves your mental health

Regular cardio releases endorphins in your blood, which regulate your mood and help reduce anxiety. Also, after a cardio session, dopamine, which is a “feel-good” chemical, is released into our blood, which further improves our mood.

4. Improves your sleep

Regular cardio can help with insomnia and allow you to fall asleep faster. Research has found that individuals who engage in regular cardiovascular activity get quality sleep at night.

5. Strengthens your immune system

Cardio exercises help widen your blood vessels. When your blood vessels widen, more white blood cells can flow into your bloodstream. White blood cells act as our body’s defence against harmful bacteria, viruses, and other infections.

6. Keeps your lungs healthy

Cardio helps reduce lung fatigue and improves lung function. It can also improve the symptoms of individuals who have chronic lung problems like asthma or other respiratory diseases.

What is Intensive cardio workouts or HIIT?

Intensive cardio workouts

Although just 20 minutes of cardio can have immense benefits for you, some people choose to engage in longer and more intense forms of cardio.

Although such exercises are not recommended for an average person who is just trying to lose some weight, they might be beneficial for individuals who already engage in regular cardio and want to step up their fitness game.

Burning a thousand calories in a day is not easy, and it’s not impossible either. However, it depends on a lot of factors like your weight, age, body composition, and also your fitness levels.

If you are someone who is obese or overweight, you should try reducing your calorie intake a day by 1000 instead of attempting to burn 1000 calories through exercise.

You can always consult a professional nutrition expert to help you determine how to cut those calories.

Side effects of excessive and rapid calorie burning can result in muscle strain and injuries, hypertension, burnout, and fatigue. 

Trying to do a 1000 calorie workout is similar, to a cardio session. There are some key distinctions in terms of intensity and duration.

For instance, if you decide to burn 1000 calories through cycling you’ll need to pedal and for a period than your usual routine.

The same applies to running, swimming, weight lifting, and other types of cardio exercises.

Another great way to burn a significant amount of calories is through HIIT. HIIT is High-Intensity Interval Training and requires exercising with vigorous intensity for a short time period, followed by a period of rest or low-intensity exercise.

Combining Cardio Exercises for Weight Loss and Longer life span

Instead of sticking to a single cardio exercise, it can be a good idea to combine different cardio exercises for optimal weight loss results. This will also prevent you from getting bored with a single exercise and also allow you to experiment with different exercises and find the ones you really like.

Combining cardio exercises is a lot like mixing different ingredients together to stir up your favorite dish. You get to make your exerciser routine interesting and effective.

1. Outdoor Cardio

Start with a 30-minute jog or run in the park. Then, follow it with a 15-minute cycling session.

2. Home HIIT

Warm up using a jumping rope for 5 minutes. Then you can do a 20-minute HIIT workout that includes jumping jacks, burpees, and mountain climbers.

3. Swim and Cycle

Swim laps for 20 minutes and then head to the gym for a 15-minute cycling session.

4. Dance Party

Put on your favorite music and dance around for 30 minutes. It’s a fun way to get your heart rate up.

5. Stair Challenge

Find a set of stairs and climb up and down for 15 minutes. Then try doing 15 minutes of bodyweight exercises like squats and lunges.

Top 10 best cardio exercises for weight loss

top 10 cardio exercise for fat burn

Cardiovascular exercises are a great way to burn fat. However, to learn how to effectively implement cardio, we need to learn how our body burns fat.

When we eat extra carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, the extra calorie in our body is stored as fat in the form of triglycerides. 

Thus, when we try to lose weight through exercise, these triglycerides break down and are used as energy by our body. 

Research has shown that our lungs are responsible for us losing weight. When we workout or do cardiovascular exercise, fats get converted into carbon dioxide and water. Our lungs help excrete carbon dioxide, and water gets excreted through our faeces, urine, and sweat.

And to burn more fat, you need to use your muscles also, as they utilize oxygen while working out. Thus, it can be a good idea to combine cardio with some weight-training exercises for optimal results. 

However, if you have never exercised before, here are the top 10 calorie-burning cardio exercises

you can try out to lose weight and lead a healthier life. Check them out.

1. Running

This is by far the simplest cardio exercise you can try. Running burns a huge number of calories, and you can opt for a treadmill or even run outdoors. Try running for at least 30 mins on a medium pace everyday.

2. Swimming

Swimming can be a full-body workout that won’t put a lot of stress on your joints. It is also a cardio-intensive exercise and can help you shed those extra pounds. If you have access to a swimming pool, try swimming 3-5 laps non-stop.


Riding a cycle can be both enjoyable and also effective in burning calories. You can also opt to speed up your pedalling to burn more fat. Try cycling for at least 5 km every day to see results.

4. Jumping rope

Jumping rope, or skipping as we more commonly call it, is a simple exercise that you can try out at home. All you need is a skipping rope, and you are ready to shed those pounds. Try skipping for at least 30 mins every day.

5. Stair climbing

Climbing stairs, whether on a stair-climbing machine or an actual staircase, is a great way to target your lower body and get your heart rate up. Try to climb upwards fast and slow down at the bottom.

6. Burpees

Burpees is a bodyweight exercise that involves doing a normal push-up, followed by jumping in the air, and then getting back to the push-up position again.

Burpees engage a variety of muscles like your chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps, lats, glutes, and calves, and also helps to burn fat effectively. Carry out 3 sets of 10 repetitions every day.

7. High knees

High knees is another easy cardio exercise that doesn’t require any equipment. It strengthens your leg muscles and also increases your heartbeat.

To do high knees, stand with your feet hip-width apart. Lift one knee toward your chest, then quickly switch to the other leg as if you’re running in place. 

Try to extend your arms and touch your knees to your palms as you go. Try to carry out 3 sets of high knees of 10 repetitions each. Combine it with burpees for a more intense cardio session.

8. Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks is another full-body cardio exercise that you can try in your home. And it is relatively easy to perform.

All you need to do is stand straight with your feet apart, jump while spreading your arms and legs, and then repeat. Keep your shoulders relaxed and look ahead. Perform 4 sets of 10 repetitions each.


Apart from conventional cardio exercises, you can try other activities that get your heart rate up. And dancing can be a great way to lose weight, be it Zumba, hip-hop, or even a ballroom dance.

10. Kickboxing

Kickboxing classes or workouts involve a combination of punching, kicking, and cardio exercises. Thus, kickboxing can provide an intense calorie-burning workout. It also increases your mobility, stamina, and endurance.

Tips to keep yourself motivated during your weight loss journey – Silky Mahajan

Final thoughts

Cardio can be key if you want to lose weight. Thus, if you want an effective cardio workout, choose from the top 10 effective cardio exercises listed above.

Simple and easy to perform, these exercises require minimal to no equipment, and are great for getting your heart rate up! And don’t forget to have a wel-balanced diet by consulting a weight loss dietician to make your weight loss journey easier.

So, are you ready to break a sweat?

latest buzz Uncategorized Weight Management

Top 16 homemade early morning drinks for weight loss with Recipes

 morning drink for weight loss image

Kickstart your day with beverages that boost metabolism & aid in shedding pounds. Discover the best Morning Drinks For Weight Loss here!

60% of our bodies consist of water, making it one of the essential building blocks of life. Water provides many important functions within our bodies such as helping regulate temperature, prevent infections, lubricate joints, and provide vital nutrients and minerals directly into cells as well as improving cognition, mood, and sleep quality.

And the best time to drink water might just be in the morning when we are about to start our day. Studies have found that drinking water in the morning is good for our kidneys, skin, mood, and even weight. 

How much water you should drink ? – Silky Mahajan

Yes, you heard that right! Drinking water in the morning can indeed help us lose weight. And not just water, there are some great weight loss drinks that you can easily prepare at home, which can be a part of your morning hydration routine. 

The science behind early morning weight loss drinks

benefits of weight loss drinks

Recently, fat burning drinks have become popular among individuals looking to lose weight. Although they are no magic solutions and won’t help you lose a substantial amount of weight, there is some science as to how these drinks work.

The most common fat burning drinks are green tea, coffee, ginger, lemon, and apple cider vinegar, among others.

And while these ingredients alone won’t help you lose weight, they help contribute to some essential functions of our body like:

1. Boosts metabolism

Some drinks like caffeine and green tea contain ingredients that can increase our metabolic rate. This can help our body to burn more calories.

2. Rich in antioxidants

 Certain food items like chia seeds, aloe vera, cucumber, and even amla contain a high amount of antioxidants which help to combat inflammation and oxidative stress in our body.

Also, taking certain drinks on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning can kickstart our metabolism and may also aid in burning fat.

Now, let’s look at the 16 homemade best early morning drinks for weight loss you can have.

Top 16 Best Morning Drinks for Weight Loss & Their Homemade Recipes

best early morning weight loss drinks

The drinks mentioned below may offer you some benefits. However, you should try to incorporate them as a part of a holistic diet. It will also be beneficial if you add some cardio exercises as a part of your daily routine.

1. Warm lemon water

Lemons are commonly found across Indian households and are filled with vitamin C.


Boosts digestion and helps detoxification.


Squeeze half a lemon into a cup of warm water. You can try adding a tablespoon of black pepper or honey for taste

2. Amla Juice With Water For Weight Loss 

Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is filled with nutrients and antioxidants. 


Helps you lose weight,, boosts metabolism, and provides a rich source of Vitamin C. 


Mix 1-2 tablespoons of amla juice in a glass of water. Add 1 tbsp of honey for flavor.

3. Vetiver Concoction For Weight Loss

Vetiver, or khus, is known for its cooling properties.


Helps with weight management, and digestion, and also promotes a sense of calmness.


Soak a small piece of vetiver root in a glass of water overnight. Consume the infused water in the morning.

4. Fennel Seeds With Water

Fennel seeds have an aromatic and sweet flavor and are commonly used as a digestive aid. 


Aids digestion, reduces bloating, and freshens breath. 


Steep a teaspoon of fennel seeds in a cup of hot water. Strain and enjoy.

5. Carom Seeds With Water

Carom seeds, also known as ajwain, have a pungent flavor and are popular in Indian cuisine.


Improves digestion, relieves acidity, and helps in losing weight


Mix 1/2 teaspoon of carom seeds in a glass of warm water. Let it steep for a few minutes before drinking.

6. Ginger With Hot Water

Ginger is well known for its pungent, spicy flavors and medicinal uses.


It aids digestion, reduces inflammation, and also boosts immunity. 


Grate or slice fresh ginger and steep it in hot water. You can add lemon and honey for extra flavor.

7. Green Tea

Green tea is a beverage made from unoxidized tea leaves. 


Supports fat loss, is rich in antioxidants, and promotes overall health. 


Steep a green tea bag in hot water for 2-3 minutes. After that, remove the tea bag or strain the leaves before drinking.

8. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are packed with nutrients and become gel-like when soaked in water.


Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and aids in weight management


Mix 1-2 tablespoons of chia seeds in a glass of water and let them soak for a few hours or overnight until they form a gel-like consistency.

9. Lukewarm Lemon Water

Like warm lemon water, this beverage offers the benefits of vitamin C. 


Boosts digestion, rich in Vitamin C, and helps detoxification. 


Squeeze half a lemon into a cup of lukewarm water. You can also add some black pepper or honey for taste.

10. Jeera Water

Jeera, or cumin seeds, have a warm, earthy flavor and are commonly used in Indian cooking. 


Aids digestion, and has antioxidant properties. 


Roast and crush a teaspoon of cumin seeds. Then steep them in a cup of hot water. Strain and enjoy.

11. Cinnamon Water

Cinnamon is a spice and has a sweet and warm taste. 


Regulates blood sugar  and has anti-inflammatory properties. 


Add a cinnamon stick or a pinch of ground cinnamon to a cup of hot water. Let it steep, and remove the cinnamon before drinking.

12. Matcha Tea

Matcha is a type of green tea made from ground tea leaves. 


High in antioxidants, boosts metabolism, and provides a calm energy boost. 


Whisk 1-2 teaspoons of matcha powder into hot water until it blends well.

13. Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera is a plant which has soothing and healing properties. 


Supports digestion and skin health and provides vitamins and minerals. 


Mix 1-2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice with a glass of water. 

14. Cucumber and Mint Infused Water

This refreshing drink combines cucumber with the cooling sensation of mint. 


Hydrate our body, aid in digestion, and provide a refreshing taste. 


Slice a cucumber into small pieces and add some mint leaves to a pitcher of water. Allow it to sit for a few hours in the refrigerator before serving.

15. Black Coffee (without sugar)

Black coffee is coffee brewed without sugar or milk and offers a bold and robust flavor. 


Provides a caffeine boost, enhances alertness, and can also help in losing weight


Mix coffee powder with warm water. You can add honey or cinnamon to make it taste better.

16. Apple Cider Vinegar with Water

Apple cider vinegar comes from apple juice which is fermented and has an acidic taste. 


May aid in weight loss, improves digestion, and balances pH levels. 


Mix 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. You can add honey for sweetness if desired.

Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Your Morning Drink

morning drink for weight loss

You can start your day with a fat loss drink on an empty stomach to help your body better absorb its nutrients and boost your metabolism.

Additionally, as part of your losing weight plan drinking beverages that aid in fat burning after your morning workout can be beneficial for recovery and rehydration.

Consider trying drinks, like cucumber mint water or chia seed-infused beverages as they provide nutrition after exercising.

Similarly, to maximize the benefits of your weight reduction drink, try pairing it with a healthy diet and regular physical activity. Be consistent in your schedule; give at least 2-3 months before expecting results to show.

Parting thoughts

The first thing you drink in the morning can greatly impact your overall health and mood. Thus, if you start your day with a fat burning drink utilizing any of the recipes mentioned above, you will be one step away from achieving your body goals. 

Not only are they the best drinks in the morning for weight loss, but they are also easily available at your local market.

So, start your day on a healthy note and let your body thank you.