latest buzz Weight Management

Understanding the 30-30-30 Rule for Balanced Weight Loss

Weight loss is the primary goal and concern of thousands of individuals who are unhappy with their current body weight and want to lose weight.

This is why they turn to different types of weight loss diet plans, exercises, and food options.

However, most of the weight loss plans out there are just fads with little to no science or effectiveness behind them.

This is where a revolutionary weight loss plan comes into play – The 30-30-30 Rule.

So, what exactly is this 30-30-30 rule for weight loss? Is it really effective in losing weight? 

Well, in this blog, we have answered all your questions and provided a deeper insight into the 30-30-30 weight loss plan

So, keep reading to find out more.

Understanding the 30-30-30 Rule for Balanced Weight Loss

What is the 30-30-30 Rule For Weight Loss ?

The 30-30-30 weight loss plan refers to a structured approach to weight loss that provides individuals with a weight loss plan backed by science. It’s a simple and effective weight loss plan that is based on the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.

The plan involves focusing on three main components of your lifestyle through which you can achieve your weight loss goals and achieve better health.

3 main components of this weight loss plan

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Mindfulness

The plan involves dividing your focus into three groups of 30% for each of the following components, which are further explained in detail below.

1. Diet (30%)

Proper and healthy nutrition is essential to achieving better health and reaching your intended weight loss goals. This is why diet is the primary aspect of the 30-30-30 plan. This essentially means allocating 30% of your focus towards making healthy food choices.

You should strive to consume a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins. This is also where an experienced dietitian / nutritionist can help you make healthy food choices.

Moreover, you should try to reduce your intake of sugary snacks, processed food items, and high-calorie beverages. Calorie restriction is another part of this plan, which aims to restrict calories and create a calorie deficit for weight loss.

2. Exercise (30%)

The next part of the 30-30-30 rule is targeted toward physical activity. Thus, another 30% of your focus should include planning for regular exercise. 

You can try to incorporate a mix of different types of cardio workouts, flexibility exercises, and even strength training to burn calories, build muscle, and boost metabolism effectively.

It is up to you to choose the type of exercise you want to carry out. However, one thing you should remember is that you should perform regular exercise.

3. Mindfulness (30%)

Most people overlook the connection between the mind and the body. If you have a healthy mind, then automatically you will make healthy eating habits.

This is why people who suffer from stress and anxiety often have trouble making healthy food choices. This is where mindfulness techniques should be practiced, like deep breathing, yoga, and meditation. 

Practicing mindfulness techniques will enable you to make conscious, healthy food choices, which will help manage your stress levels and also make you mindful of your eating habits, like eating in small portions and recognizing when you are full.

Benefits of the 30-30-30 Rule for Weight Loss

The 30-30-30 weight loss plan is backed by science and can offer several weight loss benefits, as mentioned below.

Benefits of the 30-30-30 Rule for Weight Loss

1. Holistic Approach

The 30-30-30 weight loss plan encompasses a holistic approach to weight loss. It addresses what you eat and how you keep your body active and healthy, both physically and mentally. This comprehensive approach increases the chances of its success.

2. Sustainable Plan

Unlike other weight loss plans that involve extreme fasting or long hours of working out, this weight loss plan promotes sustainable and achievable habits that can be maintained over a long time period.

3. Balanced Nutrition

When you embrace the 30-30-30 rule, you inculcate healthy eating habits where you eat balanced meals that comprise healthy fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. This helps your body to get the essential nutrients it needs to stay healthy and also promotes a healthy state of mind.

4. Improved Energy Levels

You get an even-handed distribution of all macronutrients when you eat a balanced diet. This helps to guide your blood sugar levels and wards off mood fluctuations and energy dips.

5. Weight Management

One of the primary benefits of the 30-30-30 rule is weight management. Through simple changes in your lifestyle, you can work your way toward achieving your desired weight goals one day at a time.

6. Reduces Risk of Diseases

Following the 30-30-30 rule includes eating a healthy diet, partaking in daily exercise, and practicing yoga or meditation. This all-around systematic approach ensures you stay active and healthy, both mentally and physically.

Final Thoughts

If you are concerned about your weight and want to make changes to your lifestyle and diet to address this issue, then the 30-30-30 weight loss plan may be ideal for you.

However, it is important to remember that not everyone may get the same results, as results may vary according to genetics, age, and overall health.

On a final note, the 30-30-30 weight loss plan provides you with a flexible and balanced approach to nutrition and fitness, considering you follow it diligently with patience and discipline.

latest buzz Weight Management

Is Upma Good for Weight Loss? Low-Calorie Recipe Included!

We Indians are known for our simple yet nutritious breakfast ideas that provide us with ample energy and nutrients to kick-start our day. And one nutritious breakfast that is popular all over India is Upma. From North India to South India, Upma is a staple breakfast option for many families.

Now, if you are wondering whether Upma is good for weight loss, you are at the right place. Read on to find out if this wonderful and tasty breakfast option can aid in your weight loss journey.

Oh, and we also have a great low-calorie Upma recipe for you that you can try out! So, without further ado, let’s dive right in.

Upma – An Overview

Upma is made out of semolina, or sooji as it is more commonly called, and is a type of traditional Indian dish. It is versatile and can also be prepared in different ways. It can be consumed at breakfast, lunch, or even dinner.

Upma first originated in South India and is now a staple food in many parts of India. It is prepared by mixing semolina with water, spices, and different vegetables.

Some of the common vegetables used in Upma are onions, carrots, tomatoes, green beans, and even peas. The finished dish can also be garnished with chutney, yogurt, or even cilantro.

Upma – Nutritional Profile

Upma – Nutritional Profile

Now, let’s take a look at the nutritional profile of Upma.

One cup of Upma, which is approx. 155 gm contains the following:

  • Calories – 132
  • Saturated fat – 0.3g
  • Trans fat – 0.1g
  • Polyunsaturated fat – 2.4g
  • Monounsaturated fat – 0.9g
  • Sodium – 179 mg
  • Carbohydrates – 21g
  • Dietary Fiber – 2g
  • Sugar – 2.7g
  • Protein – 3.5g
  • Potassium – 191.4 mg

Thus, as you can see, Upma is low in fat and sugar. It also contains a good amount of carbs and protein. Moreover, it contains nutrients like sodium and potassium, which act as electrolytes in our body.

Is Upma Good for Weight Loss?

If your goal is to lose weight, then you should be eating fewer calories than your total body expenditure. Moreover, you should be following a weight-loss diet that includes healthy meal options that aren’t high in calories.

This is where Upma can step in and make a great addition to your weight loss diet. Upma is low in calories and can be a great option for people who are trying to lose weight.

It contains a good amount of fiber that can keep you full. This will help to curb your appetite and also prevent you from eating. Fiber will also help you regulate your metabolism and aid in healthy digestion, which further prevents constipation.

Upma also contains a healthy amount of protein, which helps to preserve muscle mass and improves body metabolism. Moreover, different recipes of Upma will help to increase the protein content when it is mixed with peas, lentils, or even nuts. 

Upma can be a great weight-loss meal. It is also a versatile food item and can be prepared in different ways. Healthy vegetables like tomatoes, onions, carrots, beans, and even spinach can be added to Upma, which further enhances its nutritional value.

Moreover, spices like coriander, turmeric, and even cumin can also be added to Upma, which can improve digestion and provide additional health benefits.

Low-calorie Upma Weight Loss Recipe

Below is a great low-calorie Upma weight loss recipe that you can easily prepare at home with just a few ingredients.


  • 1 cup semolina (sooji/rava)
  • 1 tablespoon oil (preferably olive oil or any other healthy cooking oil)
  • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped onions
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped carrots
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped green beans
  • 1/4 cup green peas
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped bell peppers
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 2-3 green chilies, finely chopped
  • 8-10 curry leaves
  • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • Salt to taste
  • 3 cups water
  • Chopped coriander leaves for garnish


  • Dry Roast Semolina

Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat and dry roast the semolina until it turns golden brown. Keep stirring continuously to avoid burning. Once roasted, set it aside.

  • Prepare Vegetables

In the same pan, heat oil. Add mustard seeds and let them splutter, then add cumin seeds. Add chopped onions, green chilies, and grated ginger. Sauté until the onions are translucent.

  • Add Vegetables

Add chopped carrots, green beans, peas, and bell peppers. Stir-fry for 2-3 minutes until the vegetables are slightly tender.

  • Spices and Semolina

Add curry leaves, turmeric powder, and salt. Mix well. Slowly add the roasted semolina while continuously stirring to avoid lumps.

  • Cooking Upma

Pour in 3 cups of water gradually, stirring continuously to avoid lumps. Cover the pan and let it cook on low heat for 5-7 minutes or until the semolina is fully cooked and the upma has a smooth consistency.

  • Garnish and Serve

Garnish with chopped coriander leaves. Serve hot with a squeeze of lemon juice if desired.

Final Thoughts

If you are on a weight loss journey, adding Upma to your diet can be a great option. You get to reap the benefits of a low-calorie, high-fiber meal and also get the added benefits of all the green vegetables you add to it.

So, get some Upma now and get ready to indulge in a delicious, low-calorie, and nutritious weight-loss meal.

For professional nutrition guidance consult the best nutritionist in bangalore Silky Mahajan.

latest buzz Medical Nutrition Weight Management

17 Effective Ways to Lose Belly Fat For Men

Easy to gain but difficult to lose, Belly fat is one of the biggest ongoing problem in today’s world. It causes bad-looks and unappealing appearance.

Larger waistlines are linked to a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal and even cancer. Waistline above 40 inches (102 cm) in men and 35 inches (88 cm) in women is known as abdominal obesity.

17 effective lifestyle changes that will help you to lose belly fat:

  1. Try cutting down your carbs especially simple ones:
  2. Eliminate refined carbs – white bread, white rice, pasta, maida etc and also sugar and sugary drinks like soda, cola, juices, packed bars, chocolates etc.
  3. Instead include complex carbs–brown rice, whole wheat flour, quinoa, millets such as jowar, ragi, bajra, foxtail etc.
  4. Eating more healthy protein: Lean meats, fish, eggs, legumes, beans, nuts, low fat dairy and dairy products can boost your metabolism and reduce hunger levels, making it a very effective way to lose belly fat.
  5. Incorporate fiber rich foods in diet: Wholegrain cereals (e.g. wholegrain bread, whole oats, quinoa, millets, Broken wheat daliya), Fruits (e.g. Oranges, Berries, Pears, Melon), Vegetables (e.g. Brocoli, Cucumber, Carrot, Green leafy vegetables), Legumes, Nuts and Seeds.
  6. Avoid foods that contains trans fat and instead take healthy fatty acids: Unsaturated fats present in margarines, cookies, pastries, fried food have adverse effect on your health. Instead choose foods rich in omega 3 and omega 6 such as olive oil, peanut butter, nuts (almonds, pistachios, walnuts etc), seeds (Sunflower, pumpkin, chia, flax etc), sea foods, lean fish etc
  7. Eat 6 meals (3 major + 3 small) at regular intervals and drink plenty of water.
  8. Maintain the portion size and keep a track of your food intake by referring any app.
  9. Include foods that increases metabolism – Matcha green tea, lemon water – unsweetened, extra virgin coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon powder are few examples to increase metabolism.
  10. Avoid eating junk and processed foods (pizza, burger, noodles, chips, cookies, sugary juice, cola drinks)
  11. Avoid taking alcoholAerobic exercise (like walking, running, swimming etc) has been shown to cause major reductions in belly fat.
  12. Practising exercises such as leg raise, abs exercise, crunches, sit ups, maintain climbing, planks, burpees etc are more effective to shed excess belly fat.
  13. Read the food label before buying any food products to check sugar contents, sodium, potassium, preservatives etc.
  14. Get plenty of restful sleep (6-8 hours)
  15. Reduce stress level through Yoga/Meditation
  16. Change your sedentary lifestyle – Try not to sit too much, do stretching exercises at your desk, take the stairs instead of the elevator etc
  17. Choose healthy cooking techniques such as boiling, steaming, stir-frying, sauteing, roasting, grilling instead of deep frying, high fat baking, microwaving.

In case of any related query to nutrition or weight loss book an online appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan. Please send us an email at or call on 7829999400 between 10:00 AM IST – 7:00 PM IST (Mon – Sat).

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Top 8 Health Benefits Of Celery

The leaf, seeds and stem of celery can be eaten. It has lots of health benefits as it contains flavonoid, phenolic compounds which have powerful antioxidant characteristics. Celery also contains fiber, sodium, potassium, vitamins C, vitaminA, vitaminK, folate.

Major Health Benefits of Celery

1.Constipation & Digestive Disorders- Celery is a good source of insoluble fiber, which acts as a bulking agent in the gut and helps to prevent constipation and other digestive problems.

2. Cardiovascular health- Celery reduces oxidative stress, which indirectly reduces blood pressure. The natural nitrate found in celery also helps to reduce blood pressure. The flavonoid & phenolic compounds & insoluble fiber affect lipid metabolism and reduces the chances of heart diseases.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Properties- Due to its antioxidant properties, it helps in reducing acute and chronic inflammatory diseases like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, asthma, gout, Crohn’s disease, leaky gut.

4. In Improving Sleep and Overall Brain Health- Celery have neuroprotective properties. It modulates sleep cycle. On the other hand, it enhances memory by slowing down neuronal death.

5. Celery juice is a good choice for managing Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss (dementia), and neurodegenerative disorders.

6. Reduces Liver Damage And Diseases- The antioxidant & anti-inflammatory compounds in celery removes toxins from our body so it reduces stress on liver.

7.On Our Skin and Hair – Celery contains is 95 percent water. It keeps our body hydrated and keeps our skin and hair healthy. It aids hair growth too. It may also help in clearing acne, blemishes, and pimples due to its antioxidant properties.

8. Works as a Diuretic and Maintains Kidney Health- Celery juice has diuretic properties as it contains sodium and potassium which act as the regulators of our body fluid. It prevents urinary tract infections.

Celery leaf extracts can restore minerals and water lost in the urine. It also helps to excrete undesirable calcium deposits in our body through urine & prevents kidney stones, gallstones.

9. Aid in Weight Loss: Because of its insoluble fiber, whole celery may help in maintain a healthy weight.

Time to Consume:
  • On empty stomach in the morning.
  • Fifteen to thirty minutes before or after eating something anytime during the day.

How to consume: Juice can be prepared from celery or it can be added in smoothies or salads. Celery stems can be added in dals.

In case of any related query to healthy nutrition or weight loss book an online appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan. Please send us an email at or call on 7829999400 between 10:00 AM IST – 7:00 PM IST (Mon – Sat).

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6 Proven Tips for a Healthy and Fulfilling Navratri Fasting

Foods to be considered

Kuttu Atta (buckwheat flour), Samak rice, Singhara atta, Rajgira flour, Sabudana, Fruits, Vegetables, Dry fruits, Milk, Curd, Buttermilk, Paneer, Tea/Coffee, Lemon Tea, Green Tea, Coconut water, Milkshake, Sendha Namak (Rock salt)

Foods to be avoided

Wheat based products, Rice, Sooji, Besan, Onion, Garlic, Non-veg, Egg, Common salt, Alcohol, Junk food, too much fried foods, Caffeine in excess, Carbonated beverages, Foods containing too much additives and preservatives

Full Day Meal Planning

  1. On Waking-up: Small banana/Fresh fruit juice/Mixed dry fruits
  2. Breakfast options: Milkshake/Smoothies/Fruits with yoghurt/Fruit Salad
  3. Mid-Morning: Indian tea/Lemon tea/Green tea/Coffee/Makhana
  4. Lunch options: Boiled potato Raita/Kuttu Pakori/Sabudana Khichdi/Fresh fruit salad
  5. Even Snack options: Coconut water/Lassi/Buttermilk/Fresh fruit juice/Lemon Water/Tea/Coffee
  6. Dinner options:
  • Kuttu roti + Any vegetable curry + Curd/buttermilk OR
  • Samak ki khichdi + Curd/buttermilk OR
  • Singhada atta roti + Aloo kadhi/Jeera Lauki curry + Curd/buttermilk OR
  • Rajgaria Parantha + any vegetable curry

Tips to keep Energy level up during Fasting

  1. Eat small and healthy meals on frequent intervals and don’t starve yourself for longer period of time
  2. Eat more of fresh and seasonal fruits as these are storehouse of multiple vitamins and minerals
  3. Have plenty of fluids and include variety of fluids in the diet such as lemon water, coconut water, fresh fruit juice without addition of sugar, yoghurt, smoothie, buttermilk, vegetable juice etc.
  4. Avoid too many fried items in a single day
  5. Choose low fat options
  6. Keep yourself busy in your favourite activities so that you will not realise the time :).

In case of any query related to healthy nutrition or weight loss book an online appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan . Please send us an email at or call on 7829999400 between 10:00 AM IST – 7:00 PM IST (Mon – Sat).

latest buzz Medical Nutrition Weight Management

Healthy Snack Options to Curb the Hunger

Healthy snack options

Aim for Healthy snack options and whole foods as mentioned below. Avoid processed/junk foods and sugary drinks.

These healthy snack options are not only beneficial to curb the hunger in between major meals but also helpful in overall well-being and healthy lifestyle.

  • Replace sugary drinks with: Lemon water, Sattu drink, Butter milk, Green tea, Ragi ganji with butter milk, Coconut water
  • Replace namkeens/chips with: Puffed rice, Baked mathris, Roasted channa, Makhana
  • Try to add good salads in between meals: Corn/Sprouted salad, Puffed rice salad, Peanut salad, Mixed vegetable salad, Fruit salad, Jowar flakes,Soy flakes, Egg whites
  • Yoghurt with fruits or muesli can also be the part of the snacks
  • Whole fruit is easy to carry
  • Mixed dry fruits
  • Sandwiches (Paneer/Sprouts/Spinach/Corn + Spinach)

In case of any related query to nutrition or weight loss book an online appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan.

Please send us an email at or call on 7829999400 between 10:00 AM IST – 7:00 PM IST (Mon – Sat). Do follow us on youtube for latest nutrition tips & videos.