latest buzz Medical Nutrition Weight Management

Top 10 Benefits Of Spinach For Weight Loss

 Spinach For Weight Loss

Blog highlight : Explore the Top 10 Benefits of Spinach For Weight Loss. Learn how this leafy green can boost your weight loss efforts with its nutrient-rich properties.

Among all the green leafy vegetables present, spinach is a superstar. This is because this vegetable is filled with nutrients that are beneficial for our body in various ways.

What’s more, spinach is also low in calories and can make for a great weight-loss meal. Thus, incorporating spinach in your recipes can help you burn off extra calories and also provide your body with the nutrients it needs.

In India, spinach is known as “Palak”, and you will find a variety of recipes that have spinach in them. So, the next time you get your hands on this superfood, know that you are giving your body a super dose of nutrients and antioxidants.

But what’s the deal with spinach for weight loss? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, let’s find out.

Is Spinach Good For Weight Loss ?

Studies have shown that spinach can suppress your appetite. There are also compounds present in spinach that can boost your metabolism. Spinach also contains a high amount of fibre, which keeps you full for a long time.

This further suppresses your appetite and ensures you don’t keep binge eating.

healthy spinach leaves inside a bowl.

100 gms of spinach only contains 23 calories! Moreover, it is filled with protein, vitamins and minerals. So, spinach is a kind of food that can make you feel full without giving you lots of extra calories in your diet.

Spinach also contains thylakoids, which are plant compounds that decrease our sweet cravings. This further aids in our weight loss journey!

However, if you just depend on spinach to lose a substantial amount of weight, the chances are you will be disappointed. You will need to exercise and take care of your diet, too. By complementing a personalized nutrition plan with spinach, you can speed up the process.

Nutritional value of spinach

Spinach is a powerhouse of antioxidants and minerals. Take a look at the image below to understand its high nutritional value.

Nutritional value of spinach

Source: Trusted Source

One cup (30 gms) of spinach contains:

  • 7 calories
  • 0.86 gms of protein
  • 0.81 g of iron
  • 29.7 mg of calcium
  • 24 mg of magnesium
  • 167 mg of potassium
  • 58 mcg of folate
  • 141 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin A

Moreover, spinach also contains a large amount of fibre, phosphorous, vitamin K, and thiamine.

Top 10 benefits of eating spinach every day

Eating spinach every day has numerous health benefits. From cancer prevention to regulating blood sugar, this superfood plays an important role in our health and well-being.

Benefits of eating spinach everyday

Now, let’s look at some of the health benefits of eating spinach daily.

1. Prevents cancer

Spinach contains compounds called carotenoids and zeaxanthin. These compounds help cleanse our bodies of free radicals and prevent diseases like cancer. Studies have shown that spinach may help prevent stomach, esophagus, and mouth cancer.

2. Regulates blood sugar

Spinach contains high amounts of potassium. Potassium reduces the amount of sodium in our bodies. Thus, spinach may reduce blood sugar and may be beneficial for people suffering from diabetes.

3. Good for our eyes

Lutein is an antioxidant that is found in spinach. It helps in providing good eyesight and also protects us from cataracts and other age-related eye problems. Also, spinach contains vitamin A, which protects our eye’s mucus membrane.

4. Helps us build strong bones

Spinach contains vitamin K, which is good for our bone health. Vitamin K also helps to absorb calcium in our bodies. Also, spinach contains over 250 mg of calcium per serving, which further keeps our bones healthy.

5. Rich in Vitamin C

Spinach is also rich in Vitamin C, which is essential for the growth and repair of our tissues. Vitamin C also helps to form collagen, which keeps our skin healthy.

6. Rich in protein

Spinach is rich in protein, which helps build lean muscle tissues and is also good for weight loss. Thus, spinach can be a viable food option for athletes and bodybuilders alike.

7. Keeps our hair, nails and skin healthy

Spinach contains many vitamins like C and A, which promote skin health. Vitamin C is also responsible for collagen formation, which leads to healthy nails. The iron and magnesium present in it promote hair health also.

8. Helps us maintain healthy body weight

Studies have shown that spinach may suppress sugar cravings and increase metabolism. Also, the fibre present in it keeps us full for a long time, reducing any further craving for food.

9. Improves digestion and gut health

Spinach contains a large amount of fibre, which helps in our digestion. Fibre ensures that the food moves consistently in our gut and also allows for the absorption of essential nutrients.

10. Keeps us relaxed

Spinach has high amounts of zinc and magnesium, which induces a state of relaxation and calmness in us. Eating spinach at night can also help us fall asleep faster and can lead to quality and restful sleep.

Top 9 Spinach Recipes For Weight Loss

Spinach is a versatile food item and is also super affordable. This means you can easily use it for different recipes at home. Below are some great ways to add spinach to your diet:

Spinach Recipes For Weight Loss

1. Spinach salad

You can create a spinach salad by mixing spinach with other veggies like cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, and carrots. You can also add grilled or chickpeas as a protein source.

2. Spinach smoothie

Add frozen or chilled spinach with other fruits like bananas, mangoes, or even berries to a blender. In this way, you can make a great spinach smoothie for yourself.

3. Fried spinach

Heat some oil in a pan and then stir-fry spinach with tomatoes, garlic, and even other vegetables. This helps preserve the nutrients present and also gives it a nice flavour.

4. Spinach with egg

You can give a green twist to your regular scrambled eggs and try adding some spinach to them. The spinach will add both flavour and colour to your eggs.

5. Soups and stews

Add spinach to your regular soups and stews for a boost of nutrients and vitamins. Add spinach at the end to retain its colour and flavour.

6. Wraps and sandwiches

You can also add spinach to rolls, wraps, and sandwiches for a healthy spin. Spinach makes your wraps and sandwiches crunchy and also acts as a base for holding the sauces.

7. Pasta and noodles

You can add boiled spinach to your pasta and even noodles. Chop the spinach into smaller pieces and sprinkle them on the pasta or noodles of your choice.

8. Spinach chips

If you have an air fryer at home, you can make your spinach chips. Sprinkle some salt on the spinach and air fry them to enjoy their crispiness.

9. Spinach breakfast

You can make your own spinach superfood breakfast by adding spinach to your cereal, granola, seeds, nuts, and other fruits. This makes a nutritious and aesthetic breakfast option for many.

Struggling with weight loss motivation? Silky Mahajan offers key tips to keep you focused and on track. Don’t lose sight of your goals

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can spinach help me lose belly fat?

Spinach can be a great addition to your weight loss diet. A bowl of spinach is low in calories and also contains a substantial amount of fibre that keeps you full for a long time.

Also, some studies have shown that spinach can improve our metabolic rate, which means more calories get burnt off.

2. Can I eat raw spinach to lose weight?

Certainly! You can eat raw spinach, but remember to wash the spinach thoroughly before. Eating spinach raw will retain all the essential nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and fibre.

3. What are the advantages of spinach for weight loss?

Spinach may just be your go-to food when it comes to weight loss. Packed full of essential vitamins and nutrients while being low in calories, as well as having plenty of satiating fibre to keep us feeling full for extended periods, spinach is an ideal food choice for weight loss.

4. How can I use spinach for weight loss?

There are various ways spinach can help with weight loss. As an extremely versatile food item, spinach can be added to salads, smoothies, omelettes, stews, soups, or even consumed raw.

With its mild taste and versatile use in many different dishes, spinach has numerous health benefits that may contribute to weight loss.

latest buzz Medical Nutrition Weight Management

PCOD Weight Loss Diet Chart for Indians.

pcod diet chart for weight loss

Blog Highlight : Explore our PCOD Diet Chart for Weight Loss designed for Indians. Learn to manage symptoms through diet, balance hormones, and lose weight effectively.

Over 10% of Indian women suffer from PCOD, which makes this condition a prevalent lifestyle disease. PCOD is a type of hormonal imbalance that disrupts the fertility cycle of women and also causes other health complications. 

And given the stressful work-life culture of today, PCOD is more common now than ever.

So, what exactly are the causes of PCOD? How can PCOD be detected? And can PCOD be cured through diet and lifestyle changes?

Well, in this blog, we shall discuss PCOD comprehensively and also provide you a sample one-day PCOD Diet Chart for Weight Loss For Indians.

What is PCOD?

PCOD stands for Polycystic Ovarian Disease and is a hormonal imbalance that occurs in women. It occurs in the ovary, which is the female reproductive organ responsible for regulating menstrual cycles, and also produces the female hormones estrogen and progesterone.

PCOD occurs when one ovary starts overproducing immature eggs, which then accumulate in the ovary. This causes cysts in the ovary, which leads to a hormonal imbalance. 

Women who have PCOD may have irregular or prolonged menstrual cycles and high levels of androgen, which is a male hormone and can also cause serious health complications like diabetes and heart disease.

Now that you have a fair idea of PCOD let’s look at its causes.

Causes of PCOD

The main cause of PCOD is the overproduction of eggs in the ovary, which causes cysts inside the ovary. The accumulated eggs also cause irregular menstrual cycles that lead to the release of male hormones inside the body. 

causes of psod in females

Although research still hasn’t found the exact reason behind PCOD, a number of other factors are suspected to cause it.

  • High levels of inflammation
  • Excess androgen
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Excess insulin
  • Genetic makeup
  • Obesity

There can be other causes of PCOD, like smoking, living a sedentary lifestyle and even pollution, which leads to irregularities in insulin production.

Here are 5 habits which can worsen your PSOD – Silky Mahajan.

What are the symptoms of pcod in females?

The symptoms of PCOD vary from person to person. Some women start to see symptoms around the time of their first period, while others detect it months after.

Some of the most common symptoms of PCOD are:

symptoms of pcod in females

1. Irregular periods

This is one of the most common symptoms of PCOD. Women may experience fewer than 9 menstrual cycles in a year, which can occur with gaps of 35 days or even more. This happens due to the high amount of male hormones in the body, due to which ovulation stops.

2. Hirsutism

Due to excess male hormones in the body, females start developing body and facial hair. This condition is known as hirsutism.

3. Body symptoms

Other symptoms may include acne on the face and back or even baldness.

4. Ovary cysts

PCOD can lead to the accumulation of eggs inside the ovary, which then causes them to swell in size. This causes cysts inside the ovary and hamper their normal function.

Managing PCOD through diet and lifestyle modifications

While the exact cause of PCOD is unknown, it’s believed that lifestyle modifications, including following a PCOD Diet Chart, can help manage or even prevent the condition.

Some lifestyle changes to incorporate for managing PCOD are:

1. Maintain healthy levels of body weight

When you maintain a healthy body weight, you reduce the risk of increasing your cholesterol levels, reduce your risk of getting high blood pressure and heart diseases, reduce your chances of diabetes and also maintain healthy androgen levels that play a huge role in regular ovulation and menstrual cycles.

2. Engage in regular physical activity

Engaging in physical activities like running, swimming or even working out will regulate your blood sugar levels, keep your weight under check, and also release endorphins in your body that make you feel good.

3. Diet

Diet plays a significant in managing PCOD. Most health complications occur because of the food we eat. Eating a healthy diet can play a huge role in managing your PCOD.

Now, let’s look at how diet affects PCOD in more detail.

How does diet affect your PCOD?

Studies have found that women who have PCOD have high levels of insulin in their blood. This high insulin level can lead ovaries to create male hormones like androgens and testosterone.

Insulin resistance is caused due to high body mass index, and women who are overweight are more prone to developing PCOD.

This is why a PCOD Diet Chart can play a critical role in managing your PCOD and can also help you prevent it in the first place.

Some diet options to follow for managing PCOD are

1. Foods with low GI

GI stands for Glycemic Index. Foods that have a low GI number means they are digested slowly by the body. This does not cause elevated insulin levels. 

A diet with low GI food can include legumes, whole grains, seeds, nuts, fruits, non-starchy vegetables, and other types of unprocessed food items.

2. Anti-inflammatory foods

Eating food items that fight inflammation in the body can help fight PCOD. Some anti-inflammatory foods to inculcate in your diet are leafy green vegetables, berries, fatty fish, and also extra-virgin olive oil.

Now, let’s look at some food items to eat for managing PCOD.

Foods & fruits to eat for PCOD

Diet can be a key factor when it comes to successfully managing PCOD and its symptoms. Have a look at the food items below:

food and fruits to eat during pcod

1. Fruits

Fruits contain essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and can be great for our overall health, too. Some fruits that are low in GI are apples, blueberries, cherries, red grapes, blackberries, and even bananas.

2. Vegetables

Try adding green leafy vegetables to your diet, like spinach, broccoli, kale, etc. These are excellent for managing PCOD and also help in improving our skin and hair health.

3. High-fibre foods

Foods rich in fibre, like nuts, avocados, spinach, peas, and oranges, help manage your PCOD symptoms and should be a part of any essential PCOD diet.

4. Fish

Fatty fish contain omega 3s, which are good for our heart and also help regulate bad cholesterol in our body. You can have fish like sardines, tuna, salmon, and mackerel as a part of your PCOD diet.

5. Nuts

Nuts like walnuts, almonds, and pistachios contain good amounts of healthy fats that can help treat PCOD.

Now that you know what food items you can have as a part of your PCOD diet, let’s get to food items you should consider avoiding.

Foods to avoid for PCOD

Since PCOD is related to our lifestyle habits, it’s important to stick to certain dietary rules. It’s a good idea to stay away from packaged and processed foods, which aren’t good for our bodies in general.

food to avoid for pcod

1. Refined carbs

Try avoiding any sort of refined carbs like bread, pastries, cereals, pizzas, and any food item that contains white flour.

2. Sugary beverages

If you have PCOD, it is pertinent that you consume any food items high in sugar. Some sugary drinks to avoid are sports drinks, sodas, sweetened waters, and much more.

3. Processed meat

Processed meat can be harmful to your health and can also be detrimental to you if you have PCOD. Avoid all processed meat like salamis, hot dogs, sausages, and more.

1-Day PCOD Diet Chart for Weight Loss For Indians.

1 day pcod diet chart for weight loss
BreakfastMid-morning snack
1. Have a cup of oatmeal cooked with water or low-fat milk.

2. A serving of fresh fruits with low GI, like apples, bananas, or berries.

3. A portion of sprouts or 1 boiled egg.
1. Handful of almonds or walnuts.

2. Cup of green tea without sugar.
LunchAfternoon snack
1. Have 2 small whole wheat chapatis or a portion of brown rice.

2. A bowl of mixed vegetable curry (avoid using too much oil).

3. It’s recommended to have a small bowl of salad that contains lots of colorful vegetables.
1. A serving of yogurt or buttermilk.

2. Eat some carrot or cucumber sticks.

DinnerEvening Snack
1. Grilled or baked fish or chicken breast.

2. A portion of cooked quinoa or whole-wheat pasta.

3. Steamed vegetables or stir-fried vegetables with minimal oil.
1. A fruit like an orange or a pear.
Before Bed
1. Have a glass of warm turmeric low-fat milk.

This is a sample Indian diet plan for PCOD that you can try following. You will find all the food items at your local supermarket or grocery store.

Parting thoughts

PCOD is a lifestyle disease and can be controlled if you pay attention to your lifestyle and diet. You can also consult a professional nutritionist and dietitian Silky Mahajan to know more about PCOD diets and the type of food you should consume to manage your PCOD symptoms.

A nutritionist can guide you to make better informed food choices for managing your PCOD and enable you to make healthy eating habits that will be good for your general health and well-being.

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The Best Indian Diet Plan for Healthy Skin & Hair – A Nutritionist’s Guide

Indian Diet Plan for Healthy Skin & Hair

Discover the best Indian diet plan for healthy skin and hair. Packed with vital nutrients, our guide will transform your wellness routine.

Have you ever looked at someone and wondered the secret to their smooth glowing skin and gorgeous hair?

You must think such people undergo expensive salon treatments to look like they do.

However, mostly the secret lies in their diet.

Diet is an integral component in attaining healthy skin and luscious locks. This is because food provides our bodies with essential nutrients that support glowing skin and healthy hair.

Indian cuisine consists of comprehensive food items that help improve skin and hair health from within without taking supplements. By including these dishes in our daily meals, we can not only satisfy our taste buds but also improve our skin and hair health.

The majority of the food referenced in this blog can be easily found in your nearby market. Additionally, be sure to check out our blog on affordable and nourishing food options to purchase in Bangalore.

This blog post will outline an ideal indian diet plan for healthy skin & hair, which in turn will automatically lead to a healthier lifestyle and better overall health. This diet plan is the recommended by the best nutrition expert in bangalore Silky Mahajan.

 Understanding The Indian Diet

Indian cuisine is famous for its wide range of flavors and ingredients, often including vegetables, lentils, whole grains, dairy products, and spices.

This traditional diet provides vitamins ,antioxidents and nutrients essential for our overall well-being. We can tailor a diet plan specifically suited to our skin and hair health needs by harnessing their power.

Incorporating these principles into an eating habit for kids can also foster their growth and development.

In India, we are lucky to have various seasonal foods for healthy skin and hair. These foods provide important nutrients that nourish and enhance our skin and hair.

Some Readily Available Food Options For Healthy Skin & Hair

1) Fruits & Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables can help improve the texture and appearance of your skin. It can also stimulate healthy hair growth.

Some fruits and vegetables that can aid in this are lettuce, cucumbers, berries, oranges, apples, amla, papaya, spinach, carrots, and tomatoes.

2) Indian Spices

Indian spices not only add great taste to our meals but also bring numerous health advantages.

For example, turmeric contains anti-inflammatory compounds which help with skin conditions like acne. Cumin and coriander seeds also support healthy hair.

3) Whole Grains

Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat contain B vitamins and minerals like zinc. These vitamins and minerals are critical for healthy skin and hair.

4) Proteins

Protein-rich foods like lentils, legumes, eggs, dairy products, and lean meats are our hair’s building blocks and are necessary for its growth and strength. Now that we know Protein is really essential nutrient for all of us so, how much protein is needed? FDA recommends 50 grams of protein per day for both men and women

5) Healthy Fats

Healthy fats provide essential fatty acids that nourish the skin and hair, keeping them healthy and shiny. Some healthy fats to include in an Indian diet are almonds, cashews, walnuts, flax seeds, ghee, olive oil etc. Healthy fat doesn’t make you gain weight compared to unhealthy fat found in fast food.

What Nutrients Are Necessary For Healthy Skin And Hair?

Nutrition play an important role in maintaining the overall health of our skin and hair. Some nutrients which are necessary for healthy skin and hair are given below:

Nutrients Necessary For Healthy Skin And Hair

1) Protein

Protein is the building block of hair. It helps in growing our hair and also strengthens the hair follicles. Including sources of protein like lentils, legumes, dairy products, and lean meats in your diet is essential.

2) Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids nourish our hair follicles and promote a healthy scalp. Foods items rich in omega-3 fatty acids include walnuts, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and fatty fish like rawa, basa, or even Indian mackerel.

3) Vitamin C

Vitamin C is vital in collagen synthesis, which is necessary for healthy skin and hair. Citrus fruits like lemon, lime, other fruits like guava, kiwi, berries, red, green, or yellow pepper, broccoli, and leafy vegetables are great vitamin C sources. Also, Vitamin C is a great antioxidant food for skin whitening.

4) Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps to protect our skin from UV ray damage. It also helps to circulate oxygen in our scalp to strengthen the hair follicles and seals the moisture in. Foods rich in Vitamin E includes sunflower seeds, avocados, peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios – are a great source to prevent our skin and hair from drying out and appearing dull.

5) Biotin

Biotin is a B vitamin that helps our bodies in the production of keratin, which is a protein essential for healthy hair. Try to include foods like eggs, almonds, and soybeans that are rich in biotin.

6) Water

Not drinking enough water can also lead to poor skin and hair. Water nourishes our skin and hair from within. Well-hydrated skin appears plump, supple, and radiant, while hydrated hair is soft, shiny, and manageable. Adding some aloe vera juice, amla juice, tender coconut water, green juices as a water rich drink hydrates our body, removes the toxin, makes skin glow and hair lustrous.

The Best Indian Diet Plan for Healthy Skin and Hair in 2023

Now that you have a fair idea of the importance of various nutrients for skin and hair let’s create a sample Indian diet plan that will help us achieve glowing skin and healthy, voluminous hair.

Indian Diet Plan for Healthy Skin & Hair

This diet for glowing skin & thick hair in 10 days will encompass a holistic approach to our Indian diet.   

1) On Waking Up

Start your day with a glass of warm water, lemon and honey or take fresh Aloe vera or Amla juice, mixing it in water for a great dose of vitamin C. This helps to kick-start your metabolism.

2) Breakfast

Have a bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh fruits, green raisins, a tbsp of mixed seeds (Sunflower, pumpkin, flax seeds) sprinkled on top along with 1-2 egg whites or 1 small cup of boiled moong sprouts. Add some freshly squeezed orange juice or Apple beetroot carrot juice or green juice (Any 2-3 vegetables of your choice) to stimulate your collagen formation.

3) Mid-Morning Snack

Soaked almonds and walnuts for a boost of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and biotin. Add a glass of Tender coconut water here to hydrate your skin.

4) Lunch

A portion of dal (lentils) or legumes like chickpeas or kidney beans for protein. You can pair it with a serving of brown rice or jowar roti.

Also, try adding a generous portion of mixed vegetables cooked with minimal oil or extra virgin oilive oil. You can finish your meal with a bowl of yogurt to enhance your digestion and promote healthy gut bacteria.

5) Afternoon Snack

Have a cup of freshly brewed green tea, which can provide you with antioxidants and polyphenols. Take a sugar free protein bar or some dry roasted fox nuts for munching.

6) Evening Snack

Enjoy a plate of fresh fruit salad (Mixed berries/Kiwi/Orange/Papaya Or any fruits of your choice) with a sprinkle of chaat masala for a tangy twist. OR make a chia fruit pudding or sweet potato-sprouts-pomegranate salad bowl as an alternate some days.

7) Dinner

Opt for grilled or baked fish like salmon or a portion of grilled chicken for protein.

Serve it alongside a portion of quinoa or millet for added fiber.

Include a serving of lightly stir-fried vegetables or a mixed veg soup to complete your meal.

8) Before Bed

You can sip on a cup of luke-warm milk infused with a pinch of turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Follow this diet chart for hair growth and glowing skin. The results will surprise you!

Additional Tips for Glowing Skin & Thick Hair

Apart from following the ultimate Indian diet plan, incorporate these additional tips into your routine for healthy skin and hair:

Tips for Glowing Skin & Thick Hair

1) Stay Hydrated

Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to keep your skin and hair hydrated.

2) Protect From Sun Damage

Try to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 before stepping out under the sun to protect your skin against the harmful UV rays.

3) Practice Stress Management

Stress can contribute to various skin and hair problems. Engage in activities like yoga, meditation, or hobbies to keep stress at bay.

4) Get Sufficient Sleep

Try to aim for atleast 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body to repair and regenerate.

5) Exercise daily

Exercising daily helps your body to flush out toxins and also allows for faster regeneration of your cells. This automatically leads to healthier skin and hair. Incorporating daily exercise and practicing portion control can benefit your skin, hair, and weight loss goals.

We recommend watching a video by dietician Silky Mahajan that explains how portion control works.

Final Thoughts

This ultimate Indian diet plan for healthy skin and hair provides a holistic approach to nourishing your body from within. By incorporating nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, protein sources, whole grains, and healthy fats, you can improve your skin and hair’s overall appearance and health.

However, you should always remember that consistency is key. By following this Indian diet plan for glowing skin and hair, along with the additional tips provided, you can promote the vitality of your skin and hair.

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The Best Low-Cost Nutritious Foods You Can Buy in Bengaluru in 2023

low cost nutritionus food in bangalore

Living In Bangalore In 2023? Learn How To Maintain A Healthy Diet On A Budget. Find Affordable Low Cost Nutritious Food Options In Your City.

In the fast-paced world that we live in today, it is essential that we take care of our nutrition. This is because it can be easy to ignore healthy food items and instead opt for junk or fast food with the pretext of being easily available cheaply.

In India, we have numerous roadside food vendors and stalls that sell junk food for cheap. Thus, purchasing food from such sources is viable, especially in Bangalore, where so many working professionals have a 9-5 job.

However, having low-cost nutritious food in India or in Bangalore needn’t cost you a fortune or take up too much of your time. With a little research and effort, you can get the best nutritious food in Bangalore, that too on a budget.

Thus, if you are in Bangalore and want to inculcate healthy, affordable eating habits, we have you covered. Read on to find out the best low cost nutritious food you can buy in Bangalore in 2023.

Understanding the Concept of Nutritious Foods

Nutritious Foods in bangalore

Fast-paced and processed food dominates the Indian market. Thus, it can be easy to overlook the importance of nutritious foods in our daily diet.

And most people don’t even know the concept of nutritious food. Nutritious foods provide essential vitamins like Vitamin D, C, E , minerals, and other nutrients necessary for our bodies to function optimally. They are the fuel that energizes us, strengthens our immune system, and supports our overall well-being.

Nutritious food constitutes a balanced diet that incorporates the perfect blend of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, and water. And a balanced diet is critical if you want to lead a healthy and productive life.

The Challenge of Healthy Eating on a Budget

A woman eating Healthy salad

While many people understand the importance of eating healthy, one common challenge is doing so on a tight budget. It’s a common misconception that nutritious foods are expensive.

Bangalore stands out for having more expensive food items compared to the rest of India. This leads many people to prefer processed and fast food that are also easily available. Numerous restaurants claim they provide healthy food options but, in reality, are unhealthy. 

Moreover, many restaurants in Bangalore use unhealthy oils, artificial flavors, and even stale food, and ingredients that contain mostly fats – making eating healthy an insurmountable challenge.

Thus, cooking food from scratch might only seem feasible to some.

However, plenty of low cost nutritious food options that provide nutrition to our bodies without breaking the bank. Let’s have a look.

Top 7 Examples Of Low cost Nutritious Food Which You Can Buy In Bengaluru

Bangalore is a bustling and busy city known for its vibrant food culture. Thus, with a little research and mindful purchasing, you can access a wide range of cheap healthy food.

Here are some options to consider:

1) Whole Grains

Whole grains like rice, wheat, oats, and millet are affordable yet packed with essential fiber, vitamins, and minerals that provide energy throughout the day.

2) Pulses and Legumes

Black beans, lentils, chickpeas, and also kidney beans are excellent sources of fiber, protein, and various essential nutrients. They are versatile ingredients and can be used in soups, curries, salads, etc. You can also use them as a base for vegetable burgers.

3) Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables

Embrace the local produce available in Bangalore. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are often more affordable and packed with nutrients. Explore the local markets of Bangalore and include a variety of colorful and seasonal fruits and vegetables like celery in your meals.

4) Eggs

Eggs are a cost-effective source of high-quality protein. They are also versatile and can be prepared in numerous ways. Whether boiled, scrambled, or used in baking, eggs are an excellent addition to your diet.

5) Yogurt

Yogurt is affordable and a great source of probiotics, calcium, and protein. Opt for plain yogurt and try to add your own fruits or some honey for flavor.

6) Nuts and Seeds

Almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and chia seeds are all packed with nutrients such as healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants. They make for convenient and nourishing snacks or can be added to salads and smoothies.

7) Fish

Fish is an affordable healthy option that’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids – these fats help promote heart health. If you eat non-veg, fish is an ideal source of nutrition that won’t break the bank.

Also, opting for locally available varieties like Rohu, Tilapia, Mrigal, and Catla will keep costs to a minimum.

You can try incorporating these low-cost nutritious food examples into your diet.

How to Incorporate These Affordable Healthy Food into Your Diet

Now that you’re aware of the low-cost nutritious foods available in Bangalore let’s discuss how to incorporate them into your daily diet:

1) Plan Your Meals

 Plan your meals in advance to make the most of your ingredients. This will help you avoid wastage and also ensure you have a low cost high nutrition diet.

2) Cook at Home

Preparing meals at home gives you control over the ingredients and portion sizes. Experiment with different recipes that incorporate the affordable, nutritious foods mentioned above.

3) Buy in Bulk

Consider buying certain items like whole grains, pulses, and nuts in bulk. This can often be more cost-effective in the long run.

4) Snack Smartly

Instead of reaching for processed snacks, keep a supply of affordable nuts, seeds, and yogurt on hand for healthy snacking.

5) Explore Local Markets

Visit local markets or street vendors to find fresh, affordable produce like seasonal vegetables and fruits. They often offer better prices compared to supermarkets.

6) Embrace local

The Western media portrays extremely healthy food items like avocados, apricots, strawberries, tuna, and salmon. And you will find that buying such food items in Bangalore will cost you a fortune.

However, it’s better to embrace local produce like amla, jamun, mosambi, and local fish as they contain similar amounts of nutrients compared to Western produce.

As you can see, the points mentioned above aren’t hard to incorporate. With careful planning and concrete decisions toward healthy eating, you can eat healthy and nutritious food in Bangalore without breaking the bank.

Final thoughts

Eating affordable healthy food can be pocket friendly, even on a tight budget. In Bangalore, you have access to a variety of low cost nutritious food options that can nourish your body and support your overall well-being. By incorporating these affordable and nutrient-rich foods into your daily diet, you can take a step towards a healthier lifestyle while keeping your wallet happy. You also consult a professional nutritionist in bangalore to get a personalised diet plan made just for you.

So, head out to the local markets, explore the culinary treasures of Bangalore, and make affordable nutrition a part of your life in 2023.

And yes, an occasional biryani or two won’t hurt!

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11 Essential Healthy Eating Habits for Primary School Kids

healthy eating habit for primary school kids

We, as parents, always want the best for our children so try to take care of their overall health and well-being holistically. And one critical aspect of their health is their nutrition. Proper nutrition in kids can play a critical role in their growth and development. 

Thus, if you are a parent looking to provide your child with the best nutrition possible, then this blog is for you. Read on to discover the importance of healthy eating habits for primary school kids and learn how you can encourage these habits as a parent.

Nutrition and child development

Nutrition acts as fuel for our bodies. It’s also important during the years a child is growing up and developing into an adolescent. Proper nutrition provides the necessary nutrients and energy for their growth, strengthens their immune system, and supports brain development.

Moreover, primary school kids are at a stage where their bodies and minds are rapidly growing. Thus, providing them with a balanced diet and inculcating healthy eating habits that include all essential nutrients is necessary.

Moreover, did you know your child’s eating can significantly affect their academic performance? Studies have shown that a well-nourished child is more likely to concentrate better, have improved memory retention, and exhibit higher cognitive abilities.

As parents, we are responsible for providing our children with the nutrition they need at this crucial stage of growth.

Understanding the Nutritional Needs of Primary School Kids

Primary school kids have specific nutritional needs that must be met for their optimal growth and development. 

These include a balanced intake of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats), essential vitamins and minerals, and an adequate fiber intake. It is important to incorporate a variety of food groups into their diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.

To ensure children don’t get bored with having the same type of food every day, it is advisable to prepare healthy meals and make them delicious. You should also educate your child about healthy snack options to curb hunger.

And yes, an occasional chocolate or ice cream won’t deter their development in any way.

A proper balanced diet plays a key role in the growth and development of a primary school kid. During this stage of their development, they need a wide variety of nutrients which can support their cognitive function, growth and also strengthen their immune system.

11 Essential Eating Habits for Primary School Kids

To promote healthy food habits among primary school kids, here are 11 important habits parents should encourage. Have a look at them.

Eating Habits for Primary School Kids

1. Regular Meal Times

Establishing regular meal times helps regulate children’s appetite and prevents excessive snacking.

2. Balanced Breakfast

Ensure that your child starts the day with a nutritious breakfast. A healthy nutritious breakfast should contain a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats.

3. Healthy Snacking

Encourage nutritious snacks such as fruits, vegetables, yogurt, or whole-grain crackers. Try to limit unhealthy options like sugary snacks and chips.

4. Hydration

Keep your child hydrated by providing water throughout the day, especially during strenuous physical activity or hot weather.

5. Portion Control

Teach your child about portion sizes to prevent overeating and encourage mindful eating habits.

6. Variety and Balance

Offer a variety of food items from different food groups to provide a wide range of nutrients. Try different ways of preparation to make dishes tasty.

7. Limiting Sugary Drinks and Junk Food

Minimize the consumption of sugary drinks and junk food. These provide empty calories and lack essential nutrients.

8. Encouraging Fruits and Vegetables

Make fruits and vegetables a daily part of your child’s meals and snacks. This ensures an intake of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

9. Promoting Protein Intake

Include lean protein sources such as lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, and nuts in your child’s diet. This supports their growth and development.

10. Importance of Dairy Products

Provide your child with adequate dairy products or alternatives like fortified plant-based milk to ensure a sufficient intake of calcium for strong bones and teeth.

11. Mindful Eating

Teach your child to eat slowly, chew their food properly, and pay attention to their body’s hunger and fullness signs. 

How Parents Can Encourage These Eating Habits

eating healthy food

Parents play an important role in shaping their child’s good eating habits. After all, children tend to imitate their parents’ habits. This why parents should always try to foster positive and healthy eating habits.

Here are some ways parents can encourage healthy eating habits for their kids:

Create examples

Be a role model by adopting healthy eating habits yourself.

Involve children in meal planning

Allow your child to participate in grocery shopping and meal preparation. This helps to create a sense of ownership and excitement about healthy food choices.

Make mealtime enjoyable

Create a positive and relaxed atmosphere during meals, and encourage family meals whenever possible.

Educate and explain

Teach your child about the benefits of healthy eating and the importance of different food groups.

Encourage variety

Introduce new foods gradually and offer a wide range of options to develop your child’s taste preferences.

Provide healthy options

Keep the pantry stocked with nutritious foods and limit the availability of unhealthy snacks and sugary drinks.

Be patient

Remember that developing healthy eating habits takes time and patience. Encourage your child’s progress and celebrate their small achievements.

Final thoughts

A balanced diet for primary school  kids supports their growth and development, enhances their academic performance, strengthens their immune system, and promotes overall well-being.

As parents, it is our responsibility to lead by example and create a positive food environment that nurtures healthy eating habits.

By prioritizing their nutrition, we give our children the best chance to thrive academically, physically, and emotionally. Let’s embrace the power of healthy eating habits and create a bright and healthy future for our kids.

If your child is battling obesity, consult Silky Mahajan for weight loss diet and guidance

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Top 12 Best Weight Loss Dietitians in India – Latest & Updated 2025 Edition


Looking for expert advice on weight loss? Find out the top 12 weight loss dietitians in India in this blog who can help you reach your health goals.

We all love to look the best version of ourselves. Yet at the same time, we sometimes crave delicious food, like pizza or pastry. And this can have quite the opposite effect on our bodies.

So, is it necessary to ditch yummy food for good?

Do we have to eat the boring ol’ food every day?

These are some common questions that popped into your head. And the person who can have the best answer to this is a reputed dietitian. 

A dietitian can provide you with expert tips on how to lose fat, and help you eat a balanced diet, where you don’t have to forsake those yummy desserts for good!

Sounds great, right?

However, there are numerous weight loss dietitians present in India. So, how do you find the best dietitian for weight loss? 

Fear not, for we have listed the top 12 best dietitians for weight loss in India! Read on to find out more.

Are dietitians effective in losing weight?

Dietitians can be invaluable resources when it comes to weight loss. Dietitians are nutrition professionals with extensive training who provide personalized guidance and advice that enables people to make healthier food choices while developing sustainable eating patterns.

Professional dietitians can show individuals the most efficient and fast ways of losing weight through:

  • Custom meal planning

Dietitians create customized meal plans tailored to an individual’s dietary preferences, health conditions, and weight loss goals.

  • Nutrition Education

Nutritionists can educate individuals on the fundamentals of nutrition, such as portion control, macronutrients, and the importance of maintaining a balanced diet.

  • Behaviour Modification

Dietitians can assist individuals in recognizing and changing unhealthy eating behaviours, including patterns.

  • Ongoing support

Nutritionists offer ongoing support and accountability by way of regular appointments.

Thus, a dietitian can show you the best way how to lose fat. 

Why should You see a dietcian for weight loss?

If you are thinking, “How can I reduce my weight naturally?”, your best option will be to see a dietitian for weight loss. This is because a dietitian will best assess your individual needs and weight loss goals. 

A dietitian is a person who has studied food and nutrition extensively. He/she will have the required expertise and experience to help you set realistic goals and show you the fastest way to reduce weight. 

Be it counseling you on what food to eat, at what time to eat, or how much to eat, to measuring your progress over time, a weight loss dietitian can be a blessing. 

What’s more, a dietitian can even provide tips on how to eat that cookie or pastry you have been eyeing for a while!

So, if you are determined to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle, a weight-loss dietitian can be your best friend. 

Do dietitians also help in weight gain?

A dietitian is a person who specializes in both weight loss and weight gain. Thus, if your goal is to gain weight, you too can certainly benefit from the services of a dietitian.

They will prepare a meal plan for you that will contain an adequate number of calories in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. 

They will also assess your current body physique and help you set a target to manage your weight gain journey over time.

Thus, if you want to gain weight, don’t hesitate to approach the best dietitian near you. 

Can a dietician help me lose my postnatal weight gain?

It is completely normal to gain some extra pounds after your pregnancy. Most women after pregnancy gain anywhere between 2-5 lbs. However, if you need to return to your previous weight, you can contact a weight loss dietitian.

A weight loss dietitian will chalk out a complete meal plan for you that will be in calorie deficit related to your total daily calorie expenditure. 

Your meal will include food sources like green vegetables, fresh fruits, and healthy carbs and fats. This will help you eat a balanced diet while simultaneously losing weight. 

Thus, after pregnancy, you can contact a weight loss dietitian to help you return back to your normal weight.

Can I overcome my eating disorder after consulting a weight loss dietitian?

An eating disorder is a type of behavioral condition characterized by excessive eating or eating too little. Eating disorders consist of problems in the way people think about their body image and food image. 

If not treated early, eating disorders can pose a serious health risk. 

However, this is where availing the services of a weight loss dietitian can come in useful. A registered dietitian will have studied the psychology behind eating disorders and effective tips to manage them. 

Thus, you can contact a weight loss dietitian if you have an eating disorder. You will expert tips along with professional guidance to manage your eating disorder and inculcate healthy eating habits once again. 

What do dietitians recommend for weight loss?

Dietitians recommend several key things for weight loss: 

1. Eating a balanced diet

2. Controlling portion sizes

3 Limiting processed food and sugar in your diet 

4. Staying hydrated throughout the day

5. Forming healthy eating habits

6. Exercising regularly

It is important to remember that weight loss takes time and should be treated as an ongoing process; so be patient while sticking with your healthy weight loss plan to see tangible results.

Can a dietician help you maintain weight loss?

A dietician  can play an invaluable role in supporting your weight loss journey. 

With expertise in food and nutrition, nutritionists provide guidance and assistance when making healthier food choices and creating an eating plan to keep the pounds off.

Dietician assess individuals’ needs before creating customized meal plans based on lifestyle preferences and dietary restrictions.

Thus, if you are determined about your weight loss journey and want the fastest way to reduce weight, you can contact the best nutritionist in Bangalore near you.

Now that you got answers to all your burning weight loss questions, let us list the top 12 Weight Loss Dieticians in India whom you must visit to begin your weight loss journey.

Top 12 Best Weight Loss Dietitians in India

Below we present to you a list of the top 12 best weight loss dietitians in India.

1) Dt. Silky Mahajan Nutritionist & Dietician In bangalore

Dt. Silky Mahajan has over 15 years of experience as a dietitian and nutritionist in India. She is a nutritionist, dietitian, entrepreneur, health coach, and public figure. 

She holds a Master’s degree in Nutrition & Dietetics from Panjab University and also a certified Sports Nutritionist from the International Sports Science Association, USA, a certified diabetes educator from the International Hope Health Academy (IDEEL), and is also actively associated with the Indian Diabetics Association (IDA). 

Author of the bestseller “Nutrition for Sportsperson,” Dt. Silky Mahajan is enthusiastic and passionate about her clients. She has worked with top celebrities, executives, and even national and international athletes. She is also the founder of the Foods & Nutrition Clinic. 

Dt. Silky Mahajan offers tailored nutrition services, weight management services, medical nutrition therapy, and also corporate nutrition guidance

2) Ms. Rujuta Diwekar Ms. Rujuta Diwekar

 Ms. Rujuta Diwekar is one of the leading dietitians in India. Her clientele consists of leading Bollywood celebrities and Indian sportspersonnel. She has a postgraduate in Sports Science and Nutrition and has over 20 years of experience in this field. 

As an active guest member at various motivational events across India, she believes in creating a simple diet plan, that aligns with traditional Indian cuisine.

She is also a qualified yoga expert and blends her expertise in nutrition along with yoga to provide a holistic approach to her clients.

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3) Pooja Makhija pooja makhija

Pooja Makhija is a well-known nutritionist in India, and has also been the official nutritionist for Miss India beauty pageants. She has completed her Masters degree in Food Science and Nutrition and has over 15 years of experience. 

She specialises in creating specialsied diet plans meal plans that treats medical conditions like obesity. diabetes, PCOS and pregnancy, and caters to individuals from diverse backgrounds. 

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4) Dr. Rohini Patil Dr. Rohini Patil

Dr. Rohini Patil has over 8 years of experience as a dietitian and nutritionist in Pune. and is also the founder of Nutracy Lifestyle and believes in a simplified approach to all nutritional complexities.

She specializes in weight loss/gain for adults, sportspersons, and national athletes. She also provides simple diet solutions that are both feasible to adopt and won’t require major changes in the existing diet of her clients.

Practo –

5) Dt. Lavleen Kaur Dt. Lavleen Kaur

Dt. Lavleen Kaur has received the “Most Promising Youngest Dieitian In North India” award. She is also the owner of Diet Insight, a diet clinic deidcated to helping people achieve optimum levels of health.

Shew believes in treating people by taking a holistic approach to diet and nutrition. She also specialises in treating lifestyle diseases through her own dietetic app. 

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6) Ms. Khusboo Maheshwari Ms. Khusboo Maheshwari

Ms. Khusboo Maheshwari is a dietitian with over 9 years of experience. She has done her M.Sc. in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics and also her B.Sc. in Home Science (Food & Nutrition). 

She practices in Mumbai and is always up-to-date with the latest advancements in nutrition. Being an expert in diet and fitness. She believes that with proper nutrition and diet, any individual can overcome illness and transform from fat to fit. 

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7) Dt. Trupti Padhi Dt. Trupti Padhi

Dt. Trupti Padhi is a dietitian based in Bhubaneswar. and hold M.Sc. in Home Science and a Bachelor of Home Science.

She has over 21 years of experience serving clients with expert and tailored food and nutrition guidance. She loves improving the health and well-being of her patients. Also, she likes to develop both professional and personal relationships with them. 

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8) Dt. Ishi Khosla Dt. Ishi Khosla

Ms. Khosla is the CEO of Whole Foods and also the founder of the Celiac Society of India. She has studied extensively about the dietary needs of heart patients and has devised methods to protect the heart through proper nutrition.

She has a huge client base pan India, and boasts A-grade Bollywood actors and actresses as her clients. 

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9)Dt. Sai Mahima Dt. Sai Mahima

Dt. Sai Mahima is a celebrity dietitian practicing in Gurgaon and has completed her Diploma in Diet and Nutrition and has over 12 years of experience in this field.

She believes in creating diet plans that aligns with traditional Indian food habits. She has a no-nonsense policy when it comes to proper nutrition, that doesn’t include any sort of fat burners, zero medicines or supplements, and inlcudes only healthy and wholesome food. 

Website –

10) Anjali Mukherjee Anjali Mukherjee

Anjali Mukherjee has a Bachelor’s degree in Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition from the prestigious Institute of Hotel Management in Mumbai. In 1997 she started her own health startup called Health Total.

She has been the official nutritionist for Miss India beauty pageants for 8 years, and is also an alumni for the American Academy of Nutrition. Moreover, she has received several awards and accolades for her contributions in the field of nutrition. 

Website –

11) Dr. Anjali Khanna Dr. Anjali Khanna

Dr. Anjali Khanna is a dietitian with over 30 years of experience. She has done her BSc in Home Science and also her Diploma in Dietetics & Public Health Nutrition.

She specializes in weight management for seniors and also provides customized diet solutions for her clients, who consist of both children and adults.

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12) Dt. Monica Chadha Dt. Monica Chadha

Monica Chadha is a skilled practitioner with more than 23 years of experience in Lucknow and has completed a PG Diploma in Dietetics and Health Nutrition and holds a B.Sc. in Home Science.

She loves to provide specialized diet and nutrition advice to her clients. She believes proper diet and nutrition are vital to leading a healthy and fruitful life.

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Final thoughts

If you want to live a disease-free and healthy life, it is pertinent that you take care of your diet and nutrition. And this is where a nutritionist and weight loss dietitian can help you. We hope that this list has helped you find the best weight loss dietician in India. Don’t wait any longer and start your weight loss journey today.