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15 Common Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight Despite Exercising Every Day

Why You Are Not Losing Weight Despite Exercising Every Day

You tirelessly exercise every day, break a gallon of sweat, and give your 100% in your workout routine. And then you step on the weighing machine, only to realize the numbers haven’t budged.

Frustrating right?

Seeing the results you expect despite consistent hard work can be disheartening. However, you aren’t alone; many individuals experience this same struggle and wonder “Why am I not losing weight!?

So, what exactly are you doing wrong?

Well, in this blog we have discussed the possible reasons why your weight loss journey might be hitting a roadblock.

Interested? Let’s get scrolling.

Understanding Weight Loss and Exercise

Diet and exercise are two main issues that you must address when you embark on a weight loss quest. And this is where a lot of lies and misconceptions mix.

So, to get started, let’s examine the basic ideas of weight loss and the vital function exercise plays in this process.

Basic weight loss principles

Basic weight loss principles

Let’s learn about the basic principles of weight loss so that you have a clear and solid foundation to start with.

1. Calorie deficit

Caloric deficit is a basic weight loss principle – burning more calories than you consume. Regardless of your diet or exercise regimen, creating a calorie deficit is important. This can be achieved by reducing caloric intake, increasing physical activity, or by a combination of both.

2. Metabolism

The body’s metabolism is the process of converting food into energy and is a key player in weight management. Factors like age, gender, genetics, and muscle mass influence metabolism. Regular exercise, particularly strength training, can boost metabolism by preserving and building lean muscle mass.

3. Nutrient-Dense Diet

Weight loss isn’t just about cutting calories; it’s about nourishing the body with nutrient-dense foods. A balanced diet ensures that your body receives essential vitamins and minerals while supporting overall health.

4. Hydration

Adequate hydration is often overlooked but is crucial for optimal bodily functions, including metabolism. Drinking water can also help control appetite, preventing overeating.

The Role of Exercise in Weight Loss

Now that you have a clear idea of the basic principles of weight loss, let’s find out the role of exercise in weight loss.

1. Calories burned

Exercise helps in reducing your calories further by burning additional calories. Cardiovascular activities like running, cycling, or swimming are effective for burning calories during the workout. However, strength training is equally important, as it builds muscle, which increases the resting metabolic rate and helps you burn calories even when you are at rest. 

2. Metabolic rate

Regular exercise, especially high-intensity workouts, can elevate the metabolic rate for hours after the session, commonly known as the afterburn effect or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). This means you continue to burn calories post-workout.

3. Preserving Lean Muscle Mass

While losing weight, it’s essential to preserve lean muscle mass. Incorporating resistance training helps prevent muscle loss, ensuring that the weight lost is primarily fat rather than a combination of fat and muscle. Read this blog to know about weight loss vs fat loss.

Silky Mahajan Explains The Differences Between Weight Loss Vs Fat Loss

4. Improving Insulin Sensitivity

Exercise enhances insulin sensitivity, allowing cells to better respond to insulin. Improved insulin sensitivity helps regulate blood sugar levels and can be beneficial for weight loss and our overall health.

15 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight Despite Exercising Every Day

Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight Despite Exercising Every Day

Starting a daily exercise routine is a commendable step towards achieving your weight loss goals. But what if the numbers on the scale refuse to budge? 

Let’s find out the 15 common reasons that might be hindering your weight loss progress.

Reason 1: Overestimating Calorie Burn

It’s easy to overestimate the number of calories burned during a workout. People often rely on generic estimations, assuming they torched more calories than reality. This miscalculation can lead to unintentional overeating, sabotaging weight loss efforts. Use our helpful calorie calculator to calculate daily average calorie needs

Reason 2: Underestimating Calorie Intake

Conversely, underestimating calorie intake is a prevalent mistake. Snacking, portion sizes, and hidden calories in seemingly healthy foods can contribute to consuming more calories than you realize, offsetting the efforts put into exercise. Read this blog to know about healthy snacking options.

Reason 3: Inadequate Sleep

The impact of sleep on weight loss cannot be overstated. Poor sleep quality and insufficient sleep disrupt hormonal balance and affect appetite-regulating hormones like ghrelin and leptin. This imbalance often results in increased cravings for unhealthy, high-calorie foods, which results in weight gain.

Reason 4: Stress and Cortisol Levels

Chronic stress triggers the release of cortisol which is a hormone associated with fat storage, particularly around the abdominal area. Elevated cortisol levels can hinder your weight loss by promoting fat retention and encouraging overeating.

Reason 5: Overexertion and Inflammation

While exercise is crucial, overexertion can lead to inflammation, causing the body to retain water and temporarily stall weight loss. Striking a balance between intensity and recovery is key to avoiding this setback. Additionally, intense exercise with short recovery periods can result in injuries and prevent you from working out for a considerably long time.

Reason 6: Plateaus in Exercise Routine

The body is adept at adapting to repetitive exercise routines which leads to plateaus in weight loss. To overcome this, periodic changes in your workout intensity, duration, and type are essential to keep the body challenged.  Variety in exercise not only prevents plateaus but also engages different muscle groups, promoting overall fitness and preventing overuse injuries

Insights From Nutritionist Silky Mahajan On Weight Loss Plateaus

Reason 7: Lack of Strength Training

Cardiovascular exercise alone may not be sufficient for weight loss. Incorporating strength training is vital for building lean muscle mass, which increases the resting metabolic rate and supports long-term weight loss goals. 

This synergy between cardiovascular exercise and strength training creates a powerful combination, optimizing overall fitness, and enhancing the body’s ability to shed excess weight

Reason 8: Excessive Focus on Cardio

While cardio is beneficial, solely relying on it for weight loss can be counterproductive. A balanced exercise routine should include both cardiovascular workouts and strength training to address various aspects of fitness. 

Strength training helps sculpt and tone the body, enhancing muscle definition and creating a more metabolically active physique.

Reason 9: Poor Hydration

Dehydration can hinder metabolism and contribute to water retention. Staying adequately hydrated is essential for optimal bodily functions and can support weight loss by promoting efficient calorie burning. Moreover, water also plays a crucial role in appetite regulation. 

Thus, drinking an adequate amount of water before meals can promote a sense of fullness and lead to reduced calorie intake.

Reason 10: Medical Conditions and Medications

Certain medical conditions and medications can impact weight. Conditions like hypothyroidism and medications with weight-related side effects may slow down metabolism or lead to weight gain. 

Check with a registered medical practitioner to ensure you don’t have any such medical conditions hindering your weight loss goals.

Reason 11: Unrealistic Expectations

Setting unrealistic weight loss goals can lead to frustration and disappointment. Most people set themselves unrealistic weight loss goals which they fail to achieve. 

When a setback hits, they get demotivated and stop trying altogether. Healthy, gradual weight loss is more sustainable and achievable in the long run.

Reason 12: Neglecting Diet Quality

Not all calories are created equal. Focusing solely on calorie counting without considering the quality of the diet can undermine weight loss efforts. A balanced and nutrient-dense diet is crucial for overall health and sustainable weight loss. Try to eat a balanced diet rich in whole grains, complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Also, eat lots of fresh fruits and green vegetables as they contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which all contribute to a healthy diet.

Reason 13: Lack of Consistency

Consistency is paramount in any weight loss journey. Inconsistency in exercise or diet disrupts the body’s adaptation process, making it challenging to see meaningful progress. Regular sustainable habits make it easier for you to achieve your weight loss goals faster.

Reason 14: Ignoring Mental Health

Mental health plays a significant role in physical well-being. Stress, emotional eating, and poor mental health can undermine weight loss efforts. Incorporating stress-reducing activities like yoga or meditation and addressing emotional well-being are crucial components of a holistic approach to weight loss.

Reason 15: Not Tracking Progress Properly

Properly tracking exercise and dietary habits is essential for assessing progress. Without accurate records, it’s challenging to identify areas that need adjustment and celebrate the victories along the way. Utilize journals, apps, or wearable fitness trackers to monitor and adjust your approach accordingly.

Final thoughts

Whew, a lot of reasons huh? 

However, the journey to weight loss is multifaceted. It’s not just about the hours you spend sweating it out in the gym; it’s a holistic approach that includes proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and a balanced lifestyle.

Thus, by addressing these common reasons you can kickstart your weight loss journey and achieve the results you’ve been striving for.

Here’s to a healthier and happier you.

You know the ins and outs of cardiovascular exercise and strength training for weight loss. But, what about diet?

Well, stop stressing out about what to eat for weight loss, and reach out to expert dietitian Silky Mahajan for personalized weight loss diet guidance and counseling. Hundreds of individuals have achieved their weight loss goals and you can be next!

latest buzz Weight Management

Fat Loss Vs Weight Loss. Let’s Understand The Differences

Weight Loss VS Fat Loss

Let’s talk about a common misconception – the difference between weight loss and fat loss. Embarking on a fitness journey often involves the goal of weight loss.

However, it’s crucial to understand the distinction between weight loss and fat loss for a more informed and sustainable approach to health and well-being.

Exploring Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

Weight loss encompasses a reduction in overall body weight, which may include water, muscle, and fat. It’s a broad term that doesn’t specifically target fat. On the other hand, fat loss is a more focused goal, involving the reduction of body fat while preserving lean muscle mass. This approach leads to a healthier and more sustainable transformation.

Benefits of Prioritizing Fat Loss

When the focus shifts to fat loss, the goal becomes trimming down adipose tissues, not just shedding pounds on the scale. This not only enhances physical appearance but, more importantly, promotes better health. Losing fat while maintaining muscle mass contributes to a toned physique and supports overall well-being.

Shifting the Focus

Instead of fixating solely on the numbers on the scale, consider redirecting your fitness journey towards achieving sustainable fat loss. This shift in focus provides a more comprehensive and lasting approach to health and fitness.

Helpful Insights with Silky Mahajan

In an exclusive video , renowned nutritionist Silky Mahajan shares valuable insights on the importance of prioritizing fat loss over mere weight loss. Tune in to gain expert advice, practical tips, and a deeper understanding of why sustainable fat loss should be the ultimate goal in your fitness journey.

Empower yourself with our valuable health tools to make well-informed decisions tailored to your needs.


As you navigate your fitness goals, remember that the journey goes beyond just losing weight. Embrace the concept of sustainable fat loss for a more holistic transformation. Join the conversation by sharing your questions in the comments below, and follow us for continued guidance on health and nutrition tips.

In case of any related query to healthy nutrition or weight loss book an online appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan. Please send us an email at or call on 7829999400 between 10:00 AM IST – 7:00 PM IST (Mon – Sat). Follow us on facebook & instagram for latest updates.

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Top 9 Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar ( ACV) For PCOS

health benefits of apple cider vinegar for weight loss

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is a common disorder of our endocrine system and affects women who are in their reproductive age. In India, the prevalence rate of PCOS is about 22.5%, which is quite high compared to other countries.

PCOS is characterized by having irregular or long periods and can cause excessive hair growth in females, along with acne, weight gain, and even infertility. Although PCOS is caused by genetics, there are available several home remedies to counteract its symptoms.

Among these, apple cider vinegar (ACV), made from crushed and fermented apples, is believed to be a safe and effective remedy for dealing with the symptoms of PCOS.

In this blog, we will try to address all your questions regarding apple cider vinegar for PCOS and discuss its top 10 health benefits for people suffering from this disorder.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for PCOS?

Apple cider vinegar is often recommended as a home remedy for women with PCOS. The reason is that women suffering from PCOS have an increased risk of diabetes. And ACV has been found to be helpful in reducing insulin resistance.

In a 2017 study, it was found that ACV improved insulin sensitivity in women with PCOS. In another 2013 study, ACV helped in restoring normal ovulatory function in women in 40 days.

Taking a small amount of ACV (around 1-3 tablespoons) before a meal can reduce the amount of sugar that is absorbed in our bloodstream.

Moreover, ACV is naturally antibacterial in nature, which inhibits the growth of bacteria in our gut and helps prevent leaky gut syndrome in women with PCOS.

Another 2012 study found that ACV might be good for regulating blood sugar levels and lipid parameters in adults. Thus, consuming apple vinegar can be good for your weight loss goals too.

Top 9 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for PCOS

Apple cider vinegar is made from crushed apples, which are then fermented. During the fermentation process, various beneficial compounds like enzymes, acetic acid, and healthy bacteria form, which gives ACV its unique health properties.

health benefits if apple cider vinegar for pcos

Below, we have discussed the top 10 health benefits of ACV.

1. Improves Insulin Sensitivity

 A main symptom of PCOS is insulin sensitivity, which results in high blood sugar levels. This is because our body has trouble reacting to the insulin hormone. High blood sugar levels can further worsen PCOS in women.

However, studies and research have found that ACV helps improve insulin sensitivity in our body. This helps our body respond better to insulin and also maintains healthy levels of blood sugar in our body. This can help in regulating our hormones and reduce the symptoms of PCOS.

2. Aids in Weight Loss

Weight gain is another common concern in women suffering from PCOS. Apple vinegar has been shown to be effective in regulating our lipid profile, which makes it a viable solution for weight management

Moreover, ACV can also have slight benefits in increasing our metabolism, which can further regulate our body weight. However, ACV is just a supplement, and it is important to incorporate fat-burning exercises along with eating a balanced diet to manage our body weight.

3. Enhances Digestion

Experiencing digestive issues, bloating, gas, and constipation is common with women suffering from PCOS /PCOD. This is where ACV can act as a natural remedy.

ACV stimulates the production of certain digestive enzymes, which help in improving our digestion, leading to better gut health. This can further alleviate the digestive issues that women experience with PCOS.

4. Lowers Cholesterol

High cholesterol and triglyceride levels in our body can lead to an increased risk of heart attack. High cholesterol levels stem from an unhealthy diet and have also been linked to PCOS.

ACV has been found to lower our cholesterol levels. It acts by increasing our levels of good cholesterol and decreasing blood triglyceride levels.

5. Boosts Skin Health

ACV is antifungal and antibacterial in nature. It is also high in pectin, which is a polysaccharide and helps improve your skin’s barrier. Making apple vinegar a part of your skin routine makes your skin glow.

ACV might be the skincare ingredient you always needed, from reducing wrinkles and acne and balancing pH to lightening dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Take a clean piece of cotton and apply 2-3 drops of ACV on it. Wash your face and apply the cotton all over your face. Finish off with a moisturizer.

6. Strengthens Immune System

Apple vinegar is rich in vitamin C. Thus, it can be the perfect ingredient to add to your diet as it can help you strengthen your immune system.

If you are suffering from a cold or flu, drinking ACV in the morning can help fight infections and lead to faster recovery. You can also start drinking ACV regularly to prevent falling sick. The vitamin C present in it strengthens our body’s natural defenses and wards off infections and diseases.

7. Detoxifies the Body

ACV has antibacterial properties that combat harmful pathogens in our bodies. It stimulates our body’s natural detoxification process by promoting lymphatic drainage and improving circulation. This helps to flush out harmful microorganisms from our bodies.

ACV also acts as a liver cleanser by optimizing the liver’s detoxifying abilities. It helps the liver break down toxins and facilitates their elimination from our body.

8. Alleviates Symptoms of Acid Reflux

Apple cider vinegar is used as a home remedy for acid reflux. Although more research is needed to support this, ACV balances out the pH level in our stomach. This may help in reducing acid reflux to some extent.

However, if you are suffering from severe heartburn or GRE, it is advised not to treat yourself with ACV as it may worsen your conditions.

9. Enhances Nutrient Absorption

ACV contains high concentrations of vitamin C. Also known as acetic acid, vitamin C helps in the absorption of nutrients in our bloodstream.

Moreover, ACV improves our glycemic status as it delays gastric emptying. This enhances lipolysis and cellular glucose utilization, which also indirectly impacts nutrient absorption and utilization.

How to Consume Apple Cider Vinegar for PCOS?

It is important to remember that ACV is available in a highly concentrated form, and it is also a vinegar, which means it is highly acidic in nature. Thus, you should always exercise precaution before having it.

The regular dosage for ACV is to take 15 ml of ACV liquid and dilute it in 200 ml of water. For treating PCOS, a study found that taking 15 ml of the liquid mixed with 100 ml of water immediately after dinner produced the best results.

If you want to take ACV for weight loss and regulating your lipid profile, you can take it first thing in the morning. Thus, now you know how to drink apple cider vinegar for PCOS. For personalized advice on incorporating apple cider vinegar into your diet, please consult a nutritionist.

How Long Does It Take for Apple Cider Vinegar to Work for PCOS?

The time it takes for ACV to work for PCOS can vary from person to person. However, if you want to see the desired results, you will need to be consistent with your intake.

Ideally, you should take ACV for at least 4-5 weeks or even two months for it to work. Moreover, you should take it as a part of a balanced diet. Also, remember to engage in daily physical activity, as this will keep you healthy and in a good mood.

If you have low potassium levels in your body, then you might want to consult with a doctor before taking it, as it might further lower potassium levels in your body.

Moreover, ACV can also interact with medicines like insulin. In such cases, it is always advisable to take suggestions from your health provider.

Final thoughts

ACV is a great home remedy and can be useful for women suffering from PCOS. It has several health benefits and can strengthen our immune system and keep us healthy.

Living with PCOS can be challenging, which is why if you, too have this condition, you can give ACV a try.

However, it is always a good idea to consult a doctor before starting any supplements for treating any specific health condition.


Does Apple Cider Vinegar Balance Female Hormones?

Apple cider vinegar helps our body to convert food proteins into amino acids. Amino acids are responsible for a variety of important functions in our body, including the regulation of our hormones. So, apple cider vinegar, thus, in fact, can help to balance female hormones.

Does ACV Affect Periods?

Studies have found that drinking this vinegar can lead to regularization of menstrual cycles. However, there is still no concrete scientific evidence present to back these claims.

What Does Apple Cider Vinegar Do for Ovaries?

Studies have found that ACV can lead to the reduction or complete elimination of ovarian cysts that arise from nutritional deficiencies. Also, drinking this type of vinegar can lead to more regular periods, although there is no concrete scientific backing for the same.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Shrink Ovarian Cyst?

Yes, studies have indeed found that apple vinegar can be beneficial for treating ovarian cysts. However, studies have been carried out on ovarian cysts that formed due to PCOS and not due to other health issues.

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Top 9 Apple Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss With Your Favorite Food

apple smoothie for weight loss image

Blog highlight – Discover the top 9 apple smoothie recipes for weight loss. Harness the benefits of the most recommended fruit by nutritionists in delicious blends!

We all grew up hearing the age-old phrase, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

Interestingly, apples can fend off diseases and illnesses, ensuring you remain in the pink of health. Additionally, apples boast low calorie content and are rich in fiber. Furthermore, their intrinsic sweetness positions them as the perfect food for your weight loss journey.

Thus, apples should be a major part of your weight loss diet. However, did you know that there are endless fun ways to have apples!?

Well, in this blog, we have spiced things up a bit. Enter apple smoothies!

Hold onto your mugs as we bring you 9 mind-blowing apple smoothies for weight loss recipes that will leave you craving for more! 

And your weight loss woes? No more!

The Nutritional Power of Apples

Apples are often the most recommended fruit by nutritionists because they are among the most nutrient-dense fruits available. One serving of apples delivers a multitude of nutrients vital for our daily intake.

nutritional power of apples images

Now, let’s look at the nutritional profile of apples:

200 gms of apples have-

  • Fiber: 5 g
  • Calories: 104
  • Vitamin K: 4% of the DV (Daily Value)
  • Potassium: 5% of the DV
  • Copper: 6% of the DV
  • Vitamin C: 10% of the DV
  • Carbs: 28 g

Moreover, you also get vitamins B1, B6, and E. Apples are also a great source of polyphenols and plant flavonoids like quercetin and pectin, which protect us from serious illnesses.

Apart from their nutritional benefits, apples make a great base for smoothies.

Let’s find out why.

Why are apples great for smoothies?

Apples can be a great base for smoothies due to the following reasons:

1. Versatility

Apples pair well with various ingredients and enhance the flavor of the smoothie. Their natural sweetness reduces the need for adding external sweeteners.

2. Nutritional value

Apples have a high nutritional profile, which includes a significant dose of dietary fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants that contribute to a healthy diet.

3. Texture

They provide a smooth and creamy texture that makes the smoothie thicker and satisfying. Moreover, apples have a mild taste that doesn’t overpower the flavor of other ingredients.

4. Refreshing taste

You can combine apples with milk, curd, or even other fruits like papaya, which gives a refreshing taste to your smoothie.

Thus, apples can be used to make delicious smoothies!

Moving on, let’s look at the 9 top apple smoothie recipes for weight loss that you can make with your favorite food for weight loss!

Top 9 Apple Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss with Your Favourite Foods

Apples make the perfect ingredient for shakes and smoothies. Read on to find out the top apple smoothie recipes that you can make at home.

apple smoothie recipes for weight loss image

1. Apple and Oats Smoothie

Ingredients: Apples, oats, almond milk, and cinnamon.

Recipe: Blend together chopped apples, a handful of oats, almond milk, and a pinch of cinnamon until you get a smooth consistency.

Weight Loss Benefit: Oats are high in fiber, which aids in digestion and keeps you feeling full, which helps curb your appetite. Thus, it’s a great apple oats smoothie for weight loss.

2. Apple Kiwi Delight

Ingredients: Apples, kiwi, chia seeds, and coconut water.

Recipe: Combine chopped apples, kiwi slices, a teaspoon of chia seeds, and coconut water. Blend them together until the mixture is creamy.

Weight Loss Benefit: Kiwi is low in calories and high in vitamin C. This boosts your metabolism and aids in fat burn. Try this apple kiwi smoothie for weight loss, and you won’t be disappointed.

3. Banana Apple Fusion

Ingredients: Apples, bananas, almond butter, and skim milk.

Recipe: Blend together chopped apples, a ripe banana, a spoon of almond butter, and skim milk for a protein-packed smoothie.

Weight Loss Benefit: Bananas provide energy and are rich in potassium, which helps in muscle building and converts food into energy. Try this apple banana smoothie for weight loss, and you will be surprised at how full you will feel for hours.

4. Cucumber Apple Freshness

Ingredients: Apples, cucumber, mint leaves and lime juice

Recipe: Mix chopped apples, sliced cucumber, a few mint leaves, and a squeeze of lime juice. Blend them well for a refreshing drink.

Weight Loss Benefit: Cucumbers are low in calories and have a high water content, promoting hydration and satiety. This apple cucumber smoothie for weight loss is perfect for hot summers when you want to quench your thirst.

5. Pineapple Apple Tropical Twist

Ingredients: Apples, pineapple, coconut milk.

Recipe: Combine chopped apples, pineapple chunks, and coconut milk. Blend until you get a smooth and tropical consistency.

Weight Loss Benefit: Pineapple contains bromelain, which aids digestion and also reduces inflammation. This apple pineapple smoothie for weight loss has a refreshing taste and is also packed with nutrients.

6. Creamy Apple Yogurt Smoothie

Ingredients: Apples, yogurt, honey, vanilla extract.

Recipe: Blend together chopped apples, a cup of yogurt, a drizzle of honey, and a drop of vanilla extract for a creamy delight.

Weight Loss Benefit: Yogurt is rich in protein and probiotics, promoting gut health and muscle growth. The next time you have some yogurt lying around, try to make an apple yogurt smoothie for weight loss!

7. Spinach Apple Green Boost

Ingredients: Apples, spinach, lemon juice, ginger.

Recipe: Mix chopped apples, a handful of spinach, a squeeze of lemon juice, and a small piece of ginger. Blend until smooth for a green energy boost.

Weight Loss Benefit: Spinach is low in calories and high in nutrients, aiding metabolism and providing essential vitamins. Try this spinach apple smoothie for weight loss, and also watch your skin glow!

8. Lemon Apple Detox

Ingredients: Apples, lemon, flax seeds, water.

Recipe: Combine chopped apples, juice of one lemon, a teaspoon of flax seeds, and water. Blend for a detoxifying treat.

Weight Loss Benefit: Lemon aids in digestion and detoxification, promoting a healthy metabolism. This apple-lemon smoothie for weight loss is a no-brainer when you want to shed those extra pounds!

9. Mango Apple Tropical Dream

Ingredients: Apples, mango, turmeric, almond milk.

Recipe: Blend together chopped apples, mango chunks, a pinch of turmeric, and almond milk for a tropical dream smoothie.

Weight Loss Benefit: Mangoes are rich in vitamins and minerals, promoting a healthy metabolism and aiding digestion. An apple mango smoothie for weight loss? Could your weight loss journey get any more delicious?

And that’s a wrap!

Final thoughts 

Armed with these 9 easy and delicious recipes, you can now have an apple every day and never get bored of the same taste again. Simple and easy to prepare, these 9 recipes will give you a nutritional boost at any time of the day.

Happy slurping!