1.Vitamin C rich foods such as Orange, Amla, Lemon, Kiwi, Vitamin C supplements (e.g. Limcee/Celin). You can get these supplements from any pharmacy.
2. Don’t eat raw & undercooked meats. Make sure it’s hygienically cooked.
3. Improve your immunity by adding foods such as garlic, ginger, coconut oil, Antiviral herbs (Turmeric, Oregano, Tulsi, Lemon Balm, Peppermint), Prebiotic & Probiotic foods (Yoghurt, Kefir) to keep your gut healthy
4. Ginger+Turmeric+Lemon water
5. Avoid eating outside food
6. Boost your immunity based on the food as recommended rather just relying on medicines/supplements.
Other key instructions to follow:
7. Wash your hands frequently using soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
8. Cover your mouth and nose with a mask, when coughing or sneezing, and throw away the tissue into a closed bin
9. Avoid close contact with anyone who has a cold or flu-like symptoms
10. Avoid travel specially countries/location affected with Coronavirus (COVID-19)
In case of any related query to nutrition or weight loss book an online appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan. Please send us an email at info@foodsandnutrition.in or call on 7829999400 between 10:00 AM IST – 7:00 PM IST (Mon – Sat).
When we talk about nutrition, well-balanced meals and following healthy regime is more or less similar to Male as well as Female. However, it is vital to understand that women should give particular attention to these nutrients: Folate, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin D, B12 and Magnesium.
Iron: Green leafy vegetables, Ragi, Dates, Beetroot, Pumpkin seeds, Quinoa, Tofu, Meat, Fish
Vitamin D: Exposure to sun for 15-30 min, Egg yolks, Fatty fish (e.g. Mackerel, and Salmon), Cheese, Milk, Mushroom
Vitamin B12: Eggs, Fortified cereal, Milk & Dairy products, Fish (Tuna & Salmon), Vegetarians need to rely on supplementation support in case of too much deficiency
Magnesium: Green leafy vegetables, Nuts & Seeds, Dark Chocolate, Avocados, Legumes and whole grains
Suggest doing blood tests once per year to understand the blood parameters and take necessary steps.
Happy Women’s Day :).
In case of any related query to nutrition or weight loss book an online appointment for diet consultation with Dt. Silky Mahajan. Please send us an email at info@foodsandnutrition.in or call on 7829999400 between 10:00 AM IST – 7:00 PM IST (Mon – Sat).
Easy to gain but difficult to lose, Belly fat is one of the biggest ongoing problem in today’s world. It causes bad-looks and unappealing appearance.
Larger waistlines are linked to a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal and even cancer. Waistline above 40 inches (102 cm) in men and 35 inches (88 cm) in women is known as abdominal obesity.
17 effective lifestyle changes that will help you to lose belly fat:
Try cutting down your carbs especially simple ones:
Eliminate refined carbs – white bread, white rice, pasta, maida etc and also sugar and sugary drinks like soda, cola, juices, packed bars, chocolates etc.
Instead include complex carbs–brown rice, whole wheat flour, quinoa, millets such as jowar, ragi, bajra, foxtail etc.
Eating more healthy protein: Lean meats, fish, eggs, legumes, beans, nuts, low fat dairy and dairy products can boost your metabolism and reduce hunger levels, making it a very effective way to lose belly fat.
Avoid foods that contains trans fat and instead take healthy fatty acids: Unsaturated fats present in margarines, cookies, pastries, fried food have adverse effect on your health. Instead choose foods rich in omega 3 and omega 6 such as olive oil, peanut butter, nuts (almonds, pistachios, walnuts etc), seeds (Sunflower, pumpkin, chia, flax etc), sea foods, lean fish etc
Eat 6 meals (3 major + 3 small) at regular intervals and drink plenty of water.
Maintain the portion size and keep a track of your food intake by referring any app.
Include foods that increases metabolism – Matcha green tea, lemon water – unsweetened, extra virgin coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon powder are few examples to increase metabolism.
Avoid eating junk and processed foods (pizza, burger, noodles, chips, cookies, sugary juice, cola drinks)
Avoid taking alcoholAerobic exercise (like walking, running, swimming etc) has been shown to cause major reductions in belly fat.
Practising exercises such as leg raise, abs exercise, crunches, sit ups, maintain climbing, planks, burpees etc are more effective to shed excess belly fat.
Read the food label before buying any food products to check sugar contents, sodium, potassium, preservatives etc.
Get plenty of restful sleep (6-8 hours)
Reduce stress level through Yoga/Meditation
Change your sedentary lifestyle – Try not to sit too much, do stretching exercises at your desk, take the stairs instead of the elevator etc
Choose healthy cooking techniques such as boiling, steaming, stir-frying, sauteing, roasting, grilling instead of deep frying, high fat baking, microwaving.
In case of any related query to nutrition or weight loss book an online appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan. Please send us an email at info@foodsandnutrition.in or call on 7829999400 between 10:00 AM IST – 7:00 PM IST (Mon – Sat).
The leaf, seeds and stem of celery can be eaten. It has lots of health benefits as it contains flavonoid, phenolic compounds which have powerful antioxidant characteristics. Celery also contains fiber, sodium, potassium, vitamins C, vitaminA, vitaminK, folate.
Major Health Benefits of Celery
1.Constipation & Digestive Disorders- Celery is a good source of insoluble fiber, which acts as a bulking agent in the gut and helps to prevent constipation and other digestive problems.
2. Cardiovascular health- Celery reduces oxidative stress, which indirectly reduces blood pressure. The natural nitrate found in celery also helps to reduce blood pressure. The flavonoid & phenolic compounds & insoluble fiber affect lipid metabolism and reduces the chances of heart diseases.
3. Anti-Inflammatory Properties- Due to its antioxidant properties, it helps in reducing acute and chronic inflammatory diseases like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, asthma, gout, Crohn’s disease, leaky gut.
4. In Improving Sleep and Overall Brain Health- Celery have neuroprotective properties. It modulates sleep cycle. On the other hand, it enhances memory by slowing down neuronal death.
5. Celery juice is a good choice for managing Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss (dementia), and neurodegenerative disorders.
6. Reduces Liver Damage And Diseases- The antioxidant & anti-inflammatory compounds in celery removes toxins from our body so it reduces stress on liver.
7.On Our Skin and Hair – Celery contains is 95 percent water. It keeps our body hydrated and keeps our skin and hair healthy. It aids hair growth too. It may also help in clearing acne, blemishes, and pimples due to its antioxidant properties.
8. Works as a Diuretic and Maintains Kidney Health- Celery juice has diuretic properties as it contains sodium and potassium which act as the regulators of our body fluid. It prevents urinary tract infections.
Celery leaf extracts can restore minerals and water lost in the urine. It also helps to excrete undesirable calcium deposits in our body through urine & prevents kidney stones, gallstones.
9. Aid in Weight Loss: Because of its insoluble fiber, whole celery may help in maintain a healthy weight.
Time to Consume:
On empty stomach in the morning.
Fifteen to thirty minutes before or after eating something anytime during the day.
How to consume: Juice can be prepared from celery or it can be added in smoothies or salads. Celery stems can be added in dals.
In case of any related query to healthy nutrition or weight loss book an online appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan. Please send us an email at info@foodsandnutrition.in or call on 7829999400 between 10:00 AM IST – 7:00 PM IST (Mon – Sat).
Wheat based products, Rice, Sooji, Besan, Onion, Garlic, Non-veg, Egg, Common salt, Alcohol, Junk food, too much fried foods, Caffeine in excess, Carbonated beverages, Foods containing too much additives and preservatives
Full Day Meal Planning
On Waking-up: Small banana/Fresh fruit juice/Mixed dry fruits
Breakfast options: Milkshake/Smoothies/Fruits with yoghurt/Fruit Salad
Mid-Morning: Indian tea/Lemon tea/Green tea/Coffee/Makhana
Lunch options: Boiled potato Raita/Kuttu Pakori/Sabudana Khichdi/Fresh fruit salad
Even Snack options: Coconut water/Lassi/Buttermilk/Fresh fruit juice/Lemon Water/Tea/Coffee
Dinner options:
Kuttu roti + Any vegetable curry + Curd/buttermilk OR
Eat small and healthy meals on frequent intervals and don’t starve yourself for longer period of time
Eat more of fresh and seasonal fruits as these are storehouse of multiple vitamins and minerals
Have plenty of fluids and include variety of fluids in the diet such as lemon water, coconut water, fresh fruit juice without addition of sugar, yoghurt, smoothie, buttermilk, vegetable juice etc.
Avoid too many fried items in a single day
Choose low fat options
Keep yourself busy in your favourite activities so that you will not realise the time :).
In case of any query related to healthy nutrition or weight loss book an online appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan . Please send us an email at info@foodsandnutrition.in or call on 7829999400 between 10:00 AM IST – 7:00 PM IST (Mon – Sat).
Healthy snack options to curb the hunger thumbnail
Aim for Healthy snack options and whole foods as mentioned below. Avoid processed/junk foods and sugary drinks.
These healthy snack options are not only beneficial to curb the hunger in between major meals but also helpful in overall well-being and healthy lifestyle.
Replace sugary drinks with: Lemon water, Sattu drink, Butter milk, Green tea, Ragi ganji with butter milk, Coconut water
Try to add good salads in between meals: Corn/Sprouted salad, Puffed rice salad, Peanut salad, Mixed vegetable salad, Fruit salad, Jowar flakes,Soy flakes, Egg whites
Yoghurt with fruits or muesli can also be the part of the snacks
Please send us an email at info@foodsandnutrition.in or call on 7829999400 between 10:00 AM IST – 7:00 PM IST (Mon – Sat). Do follow us on youtube for latest nutrition tips & videos.